Journal week 3

I’ve been browsing in the web for something doable and practical, using Arduino. There’s thousands of projects, but so far what really catches my eyes are the LED displays that have been built using the Arduino. I’m focused on Installation displays that could be enhanced either esthetically, or interactively depending the needs of the display. Something like what Nick Schulze’s been experimenting with using Arduinos. He assembled a board with 512 LED lights in the shape of a cube, to display three dimensional animations. He controls all 512 lights that form a 3D clock, using an Arduino and some programming. I feel that studying the way this 3D clock was built, I can incorporate LED lights to many different displays, and create all sorts of arrays, and special effects using the Arduino as the microprocessor behind the scene, the same way they did it, perhaps more simple not so complicated.


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2 Responses to Journal week 3

  1. JohnMoya says:

    I saw the madrix system before in different places.. We might be able to do something together if you are interested in working with LED lighting.

  2. I love these cubes. Not to toot my own horn, but check out the journal entry I just posted, and let me know if it sounds interesting, or if it creates any new ideas!

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