Week 3 journal entry

Last week in class, I got to experience actually programming an Arduino and also learning how to set-up, verify, and even update the chip. Not only did we make the little blinking like go on and off for a second, but we were able to adjust the code and able to control how often it blinked, or how long it could blink.

Now how can this small yet very interesting lab help me on my final project. For some reason I come across the word sensors. What if I walk into a room and a light starts blinking based on how fast I entered? One of the questions I asked and still is a goal for the semester is if it is possible to control the functions on the chip with a keyboard and I got the positive answer of yes. Professor Baker used an example although not a the keyboard, but using the mouse and placing it in the middle of a colorful square, the light would turn on.

I have so many ideas for my final project such as controlling the Arduino with the keyboard doing random functions, to building remote control cars that can change colors when near certain object, to creating a fart machine that would go off when someone entered the room, (which would be hilarious and fun to make.)

It seems like the Arduino can do everything except create world peace and end hunger, but who knows? Maybe one day the chip could be used for a brain reading software and create a meal a person is thinking of or even hologram chess for all world leaders.

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2 Responses to Week 3 journal entry

  1. JohnMoya says:

    Hey Bro
    Being honest I really agree with you, its a really powerful piece. I cant stop thinking in all the different projects that I can work on with Arduino.

  2. Frank Mason says:

    Hey I wholeheartedly agree with you. I think Arduino has so much potential and it pretty much gives the average joe who does not have a lot of money to spend the opportunity to get into hardware and software. With Arduino, we pretty much get a taste of both worlds and have a chance to learn so many things throughout our time here. I personally cannot wait until I finally come up with a final project that I know I can do and make it come to life.

    I found this video that explains some of the many things that Ardunio could possibly be made to do. The video is a year old but it just goes to show that the ideas are just about endless with this type of device and I think if we all apply ourselves we could create something revolutionary.

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