Monthly Archives: December 2012

Robot progress report

We have come the point where we have we tried to hook up the legs to a body that was provided and we quickly ran into some problems. One of those problems was that the things that we used to … Continue reading

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Examples for documentation

~2 minute video Brief overview of the project. Longer documentation of how the project works, what you did etc, Clear description of what each team member did       Examples:

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Today, i started the documentation part of our project, using Microsoft Word i detailed all the major milestones since we started, the other members of our project worked on acquiring more of the items we need like resistors, and a … Continue reading

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GabbyB – Musicality (Emotiv Headset 2)

So we went ahead and managed to get the Emotiv Headset connected and working with that one processing sketch we got from HyperRitual. Wale (our test dummy) had, after I set up the code in Processing and made sure that … Continue reading

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Nothing really to post. We have our LEDS, we also have a code to work with that we just have to kind of change the code around a bit. We also have a design that we have to work and … Continue reading

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Emotiv Headset

It seems that our biggest problem with this project will not be figuring out how to achieve what we want, but getting the technology to work for us. Last week we had problems with the computer, which was at first … Continue reading

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POV clock group

Hey guys, I am sorry, but I won’t be in class tomorrow. I am gonna have to work in the morning. Please keep me posted, and let me know if you need anything for thursday. Thank you!

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Ambidextrous Controller Group 12.3.2012

We made a large amount of progress over the weekened. First we finally gotten a gyroscope so now it’s possible for code to start being written and tested. Secondly were nearly done with the CnC Mill  

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Ambidextrous controller Group 4

The cnc mill is almost finished given that I helped to assemble steps 139-200. The assembly of rods and screws wasn’t a walk in the park. Many mistakes happened because of new bolts and screws were added for these tasks. … Continue reading

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Ambidextrous Controller Group 3

I would like to thank Remy and Ahmad for reducing tasks and supporting the project. And I want to explain my development of the cnc mill. At first I couldn’t manage the charts and images, but with help from Remy … Continue reading

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