Super group: Robot side post

We have progress in our effort to make this “4-6″legged robot. I have been working on actually building the leg. Going through 3 different version of the leg design we have settle on one that seems to do everything we want and it doesn’t look like it will fall apart when it moves. David and Philip have been trying to code a leg. They have gotten the servo motors running on the leg but not the way they want it too. This week with the design of the leg being done we will probably all get our hand at coding. When the CNC mill, being constructed by Remi, is complete we will probably make some sort of body for the robot and we will reconstruct the leg if necessary.

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One Response to Super group: Robot side post

  1. Philip Zak says:

    i have an idea on how the legs should move. since each leg has two parts (a shoulder and the actual leg), i think the limb should move as follows:
    1) leg rotates forward(lifts off the ground) to a set position (David and I already figured out how to do this)
    2) the shoulder sweeps forward
    3) legs rotates back to touching the ground (probably set this value to a variable)
    4) the shoulder would then sweep back

    it maybe hard to picture this, but in class i can demonstrate with the leg we have

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