Journal Entry 8

Luckily, I could go to Christopher Stapleton’s presentation before work on Thursday. I was a little late for work so I missed last Q&A part, but his speech was very inspiring and interesting. He introduced himself as a Creative Venture Catalyst – and I thought he is, while listening to his speech. Most of his virtual interactive works and concepts, like Real world laboratory, reminded me of why I chose emerging media design major. I want to be a creative technician. The big question of his speech was something similar to this : ‘How can we make the world our playground?’. I am not familier with English (-_-;) so I tried to write down the answer but it was way too fast to catch them. There were four terms but I only remember ‘Become a creative technician’ and ‘transdisciplinarity’. Can anyone give me the exact four terms of his speech? Thank you. Also, here is one of articles about him on the Web. I think this article is very neat.

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