8th Post

I was able to go see Christopher Stapleton presentation but I couldn’t stay for the Q&A, due to me having a math test later on that day. Many of the technology he was using have been around for a couple of years now but not many have used it in the way that he has. A clear example would be the work he did to make the mixed reality aquarium. None of that technology had to be developed to make that aquarium work it was simply put it all together to make it work. So today we have vast amounts of technology at our fingertips but people are still just using it to do the same old things.  What I got out of Christopher Stapleton presentation is that we should start thinking of technology in the same way we think of paper and pencil. In that we have gotten to a level where we can create an insane amount of thing with our smartphones/computers but few have fully explored the creative side of technology yet.

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