Journal Six – Some Date – Translating!

This is the link I’m translating from, but just the first post… as the others are pretty much just like, “COOL!” and “any frequency can be used in Iceland”.

I am proud to say I translate better than Google.

That being said, starion turbo (with the title of Dastardly Firmware) is basically outlining his plan to make a keyless entry into his home, complete with security. He plans to use RFID tags and an RFID reader, and anyone attempting to enter his home will need to use one to get inside. If they forgot their RFID tag, they can use a key instead to enter and then enter numbers onto a numberpad to disable the security system.

That being said, here’s his post translated into English!

Arduino projects
from starion turbo >> Wed 18 July 2012 16:32

Hello everyone, I just wanted to share with you my arduino project.

LED tutorial,

So I’m back now with a new project, that is keyless entry with security.

This is the stuff that I came with
– Arduino mega 2560
– Wireless numpad
– Wiegand RFID reader
– 5x RFID tag
– 2x motion detectors
– 2x door/window sensors

What I need
– RF link receiver 343mhz
– Electric lock on the door
– Ethernet shield
– Camera(s) with nightvision
– Siren or alarm
Everything that’s wireless is 343mhz RF Link, and it works just far enough, or freely at a max of 500 ft.

The RFID reader will be outside of the door for me, and reads the RFID tag and opens the door if the tag has permissions.

Arduino talks to the mySQL server that keeps track of who is allowed to enter (at any time, such as the cleaning lady only on Wednesdays at 9:00).

Along with logging all mySQL in/out arrivals, the RFID is reading more.

The numberpad will be inside the door to disable the anti-theft system if the door opens with a key (i.e., without RFID).

The motion sensor will also be used to turn off the light in the bathroom.

I wrote a Wiegand library to start at least with something –

I just wanted to see if you all have any good ideas to add to this?

Please share your projects too

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7 Responses to Journal Six – Some Date – Translating!

  1. ibn4course says:

    So you think he has stop the intruders? I think that his rfid tag approach is good, and valuable, but He didn’t say what alarm goes of and what response the system will give to an intruder. I will take a look at his site to inspect how he does it, and if I don’t understand his language than you can interpret it for me.

    • Gabby B. says:

      I believe the response it gives to an intruder is the alarm going off. I think they hope/intend that to work well enough. This might seem kind of far-fetched to us, but in Iceland, the rate of crime is a lot lower and something like an alarm going off to tell the neighbors someone’s in your house when they shouldn’t be could plausibly be all that’s needed to make them leave.

      Even if the alarm fails, the camera with night vision is meant to record who comes to the door in the first place.

  2. Michelle K says:

    As cool as this idea is, his application is a little bit creepy. Scanning in to get inside his house? But the RFID approach is interesting, and could be used to do some really cool stuff. This guy seems to have made an RFID door lock, which also allows him to scan into his garage door, but for the less stalker-y application of being to get into his house when his hands are full. Plus it’s a really great and detailed article on the subject.

  3. Marcelo says:

    It seems like a cool idea, I was actually thinking about something like that for my project (among other thoughts). I honestly didn’t go through everything, and I don’t know if my question has already been answered, but what happens if, for some reason, it runs out of power while you are outside?

    • Gabby B. says:

      Well, the article I translated didn’t go over that because… I don’t think they really get many power outages in Iceland, especially near the volcanoes. Their electricity runs from the geothermal energy provided by the volcanoes.

      For a non-constant-electricity-source version… not sure. Maybe attach battery to it inside your house that would be tapped whenever electricity from other sources runs out? But I wouldn’t know how to do that!

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