Journal Entry 5 & 6

So last week I didn’t catch the live stream from Makerfaire and decided to wait until they put uploaded/post all the stuff that was at the event. Well now that they have, here’s something cool i’ve found: Digital Being. From Taezoo (the makers), they made something pretty cool with basically parts of broken computer and tech to make what the title sounds like, a “digital creature” that posses machines  and you can interact with it. The reason why I found this interesting is because its similar to what i want to do with my project which is to make an interactive AI. Here’s the vid

Now for this week’s task for Arduino projects in other languages/countries. I was looking through the Spanish forums (cause i am Spanish) and found a couple of things. First is this thread about a project with a frame touchscreen and IR LED’s. Vid of a similar product the person is going for:

Second is an Arduino spanish blog that has a couple of projects. And lastly, another thread showing the use of optical and acoustic barriers.

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3 Responses to Journal Entry 5 & 6

  1. Michelle K says:

    The Digital Being is awesome! Something like that would go great in the haunted house we build here every year.

  2. Ahmad Woods says:

    The touch screen thing seems very cool. Is their other devices like that that’s already available to the market?

  3. kimyoonshik says:

    Touch frame was my original idea! lol Very cool. I would buy one!

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