week 3

Here is a master of computer scientology by the name of David Liddle, Liddle’s focus on the future of technology is the reason for this journal. Watching him speak in the interview from the book, “Designing Interactions” is like watching Steve Jobs illustrate the new IPhone. Liddle’s job is  designing new technology that is recognized by all types of people, and not only the huge enterprises and manufactures like the United States Marines Corps. Liddle’s ideology is that manufacturers prototype products that are released to professionals in businesses settings in which the product is used on an industrial scale. Also the same product can be utilised by a consumer who uses the product for lesser causes. Hence the future of technology. His interview  influenced me in two ways. One, products are concern with the entire world, and the size and scale of a product shows how important it is. Two, I am on my way to designing for these people in an more informational way, and by holding to his ideology I can communicate and design better. There is also the key factor that Like Liddle I have wrestled with product design and I am aiming and aiding myself towards an MTech degree. David Liddle has an background in interaction design and electrical engineering, because both of these are majors at my school we are alike. Liddles’ has an EESC PH.D from the University of Toledo (USVP.com). It is very rare and enlightening to see the designer turn into venture capitalist with a career at PARC. I think he has many  talents that a lot of companies can value and expand through. I hope that we all make it one day like David Liddle.

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