2nd Post

So for a couple of weeks now I have been thinking about gadgets and why hasn’t more of it become wearable. Pockets seem to be getting smaller and our phones are getting bigger it seems like the right time to make some sorta of device you can wear in order to do some of the basic task a phone or a netbook can do. I plan on making an arduino watch. For the purposes of this class I plan on only making it tell time but what I really want to do is make some sorta of wearable controller that can be used to control the light and sounds of a phone or venue.

I am not the first person who wants to make a watch powered by ardunio. I found a couple of examples online, such as the arduino steampunk watch or the somewhat infamous pebble (had the largest kickstarter ever) that is set to make its debut later is year.

I am going to be using the arduino uno for this project only because it is the board that I have as of right now. Depending on my progress I may buy the arduino mini and make a case with the maker bot and actually make a watch.

Another idea that I had was to make some e-textiles with the arduino lilypad because the world needs more LED clothing.

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3 Responses to 2nd Post

  1. Marcelo says:

    Interesting… What are those two rings on top of it? Magnifying lenses?

  2. Gabby B. says:

    I think the watch-idea would be a great stepping stone, but e-textiles would be more awesome and a great second project if you could manage it. It would be more difficult, but simultaneously, would allow some really creative projects. Could you imagine uploading your design to an article of clothing, instead of buying 10-20 shirts with different designs? ’cause that’s what I’m thinking of with your e-textile idea!

  3. Michelle K says:

    How are you going to reduce the bulkiness? An Arduino Uno on a watch by itself would be kind of difficult to deal with, so how are you going to make it comfortable for the wearer?

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