Journal Entry Week 1

My name is Yoonshik Kim.

I learned Multimedia Programming design in BMCC and transfered to NYCCT.

My previous major was Advertising design in Korea.

I had worked for a small design company for a few years and decided to learn more about the ‘cool’ interactive programming and design.

(And of course, ENGLISH! hahaha…. /// OTL ///)

I have experience with most of the Adobe Creative Suite / Processing / Maya / Blender.

I am still working on my personal portfolio Website. (

I am so exited that I can learn and play with Arduino in this class.

Actually I did not expect that. I did not even know what the Arduino is at that time.

There are so many intriguing video clips of Arduino on Youtube. So fascinating.

The first idea I have in mind with Arduino is, making a phone call with brain wave sensor and iPhone SIRI. (Like the ‘Black mirror project‘ we watched in class.)

Also ‘Arducopter‘ concept looks very terrific. I really want to make one if it is possible.

The ‘LED display using Arduino‘ was also very interesting to me.

I am really looking forward to play with Arduino!


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6 Responses to Journal Entry Week 1

  1. Marcelo says:

    Hey, I took a quick look at your portfolio, and I really liked the stop motion animation. Have you ever done anything more complex with stop motion?

  2. I like your idea for Arduino. Still don’t know what I should try doing with it, but that’s a nice idea. I also went through your portfolio, good stuff man. Good to be working with you again this semester and I look forward to what we may do together in the future.

  3. Gabby B. says:

    To echo the sentiments of my classmates, your portfolio looks amazing. I would say the second and third ideas are easier than the first. Do you plan to follow the preexisting projects to the letter, or do you plan to make them your own somehow and expand on their accomplishments?

    • kimyoonshik says:

      Hi Gabby! Thank you for your comment =) I am thinking that I will try to follow the existing project – probably something similar to third idea because it looks the easiest project… 😉 – and then expand their accomplishment, hopefully. Thank you for your concern, See you soon!

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