Journal: Stardate 08.30.2012

Captain’s Log:

The Educator(Professor Baker) has commanded that I begin recording my thoughts and other things for scholarly reasons regarding a grade. My interests and/or goals for the future would include creating interfaces, robots and of course video games. So to start with my own skills:


My programming isn’t that strong but it is something I’m working on currently to make better. I do enjoy it greatly so I always like to see new things.



My 3D modeling skills are actually pretty better that my programming currently. I’ve done lots of animation along with rigging and other things not related to animation like lighting. As for projects I’m interested in, I recently had a idea for a robot. A spider-robot to be exact. Originally I thought I would have nothing to base my work off of but in fact in seems there are others who have thought of my idea and actually went through with them.

I’m aiming for this project to be a bit more simpler to meet a certain skill level but still almost like the same thing.

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3 Responses to Journal: Stardate 08.30.2012

  1. Gabby B. says:

    This looks like it may be an interesting potential project, however I would suggest that your spiderbot have four legs instead of eight. Also, perhaps a bit less in the way of wires. Most likely to probably doable. Good luck, deadly bananas.

  2. Philip Zak says:

    This looks like an interesting and fun project to work on. I agree with Gabby, having four legs instead of eight would be better. Less cables and less chance of something breaking (either code or hardware).

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