Our morning started with light clouds and a small chill, 18.4 degrees Celsius. All of the students, liaisons, and professors met in the hotel lobby 14:00 hrs to embark on the first half of our exciting journey; Musée de l’armee. After arriving via M13 to Musee Rodin; we walked to the museum entrance where we were greeted by security and bag inspection. After we were cleared we proceeded to the location of the walking tour where David, Stephanie and Citlalli gave us a presentation on the history, culture, tourism, and cultural significance of the museum, which was well received. We were later dismissed and given time to explore the museum courtyard which was free. My colleagues took pics with the French military forces who were kind enough to let us take a group photograph with them. We then met back up at 15:00 hrs per Professor Zinders request and made our way to the Assembleè Nationale.
Once we arrived to the Assemblee Nationale we were asked to passed through a metal detector where we were scanned and given identification tags upon showing our passports to security. After about 10 minutes our tour guide Frank made his appearance in order to show us the restaurants and dining areas in the assemblee’s arsenal. We sat in the cafeteria where we were given a small verbal presentation on the restaurants and the necessity of the assemblee to the French government, the deputies and their jobs at the establishment were described as well. Marcio prepared us some coffee and espresso’s for those who requested it (thank you Marcio). Frank then led us through the dining area. Here are various pics of the two areas.

The table on the roof is fixed with a compass showing you the directions of the popular attractions in France.
I so enjoyed the recount of today’s visit. It was so well detailed and supported with photos that made me feel like I was there enjoying the moments with you. Thank you for keeping me up to date with your learning experiences each day in Paris.
Each of your stories make me feel like I am part of your daily journey.
I am so grateful seeing Paris from your perspective.
Prof Julia Jordan