Author Archives: Christine

The Penalty of Death by H.L. Mencken & Execution by Anna Quindlen (response)

Christine Mitchell

Sarah Ostiz

English 101

The Penalty of Death (1926) by H.L. Mencken &

Execution by Anna Quindlen (response)





Is the death penalty a justified punishment? Or is it just justice to those who were inflicted pain upon by losing a love one? In the article “ The Penalty of Death” H.L. Mencken speaks that yes the death penalty may seem unjustifiable to some, but to others it’s as he called a “Katharisis” it helps mend the pain one is dealing with in losing a daughter, by seeing justice prevail itself by taking the life of the one who caused the pain. He also stated people may see the death penalty unpleasant and revolting, but at the end it’s a job that has to be done. Then we have the article “Execution” Where Anna Quindlen states that sending a criminal to death is not justice at all, it’s more injustice. She states why death should be justified with death.

A piece that stood out to me in “ The Penalty of Death” was “ Any lesser penalty leaves them feeling that the criminal has got the better of society—that he is free to add insult to injury by laughing” (H.L. Mencken). For me depending on the crime I feel if one is able to take one’s life, then they should have the life of their own taken. To the ones that are left with the pain it’s a slap in the face when justice is not inflected, and it leaves the criminal thinking he has won and beat the system.

Something else that stood out to me in “The Penalty of Death” is “Commonly, it is described as revenge, but revenge is really not the word for it. I borrow a better term form the Aristotle: Katharis, so used, means a salubrious discharge of emotions, a healthy letting off steam” (H.L. Mencken). For me this quote kind of was personal to me, losing a sister by the hands of her then boyfriend all my family wanted was justice to be done and to some it seemed more like revenge, but it was more than that.

Now in the article “Execution” in some ways I agree with Anna Quindlen, why should we punish death with death, but then again why shouldn’t we? Something I like and agreed with was the line that read “I am hypocritical about the death penalty”, “But if my daughter had been the one clubbed to death as she slept in a Tallahassee sorority house, I would with the greatest pleasure rip out ted Bundy’s heart” (Quindlen). And I 100% agree with Quindlen this is a normal reaction for any mother, father, son ect… who has lost someone in their life you want to find that person and inflect the same pain and hurt then have inflected on you.

Another piece that stood out to me was “There is nothing anyone could do that is bad enough for an adult who took a 5-year-old boy away from his parents, perhaps tortured, then murdered him and cut off his head. Nothing at all. Lethal injection? The electric chair?” (Quindlen). For me yes there is by sending them to death, why should he be allowed to continue to walk this earth. The death penalty was put here for justice to those who commit wrongful death, it may seem sinister to some, but for me it’s justifiable.

I believe the author’s purpose of both these article was share and show the views people have on the death penalty; to persuade people to be against it or to be for it. The death penalty may not be justice to some, but may be justifiable to others.

City Limits by Colson Whitehead

Christine Mitchell

Sarah Ostiz

English 101

City Limits by Colson Whitehead (response)





Have you ever taken a moment to acknowledge your city? Have you ever taken the time to appreciate the moments you share with your city? Well in the story “City Limits” Colson Whitehead speaks about how he remembers his city and how over time his city has changed. Building, stores, pizza shops that had once been on the corner of your old neighborhood, is now the home of a Liberian who opened up her and first book store or the building you once lived in now is a travel agency. Even though over the time your city may not look the same or things and stores that were once there aren’t, but in some way they are still there, because you are, it lives in your memories.

One thing that stood out to me and loved was when he stated “You start building your private New York the first time you lay eyes on it” (Whitehead). What I took from that was New York is different to each and every person, we all share different moments and memories. For me New York has been my home my whole life, so it has seen me grow from this little peanut head, to the adult that I am now. New York has seen me through all my different stages in life, as well as I have seen New York grow and change over the years.

Something else that stood out to me was “ There are eight million naked cities in this naked city-they dispute and disagree, the New York City you live in is not my New York City; how could it be? This place multiplies when you’re not looking” (Whitehead). Everything that we once knew to be here or there, shops or movie theaters we once went to here is now moved and replace. Nothing ever seems nor stay the same. And not once we were able to say good bye to what was once our favorite store.

“We can never make proper good-byes” (Whitehead). Since we never get the time to appreciate things, we only notice things when they’re gone and stay with the “I wish I was able to go there one last time feeling”.

I think the purpose of Colson Whitehead in writing this story was to tell people over the time things will change and not remain the same, but New York will always be the same in your eyes, because of the history and moments you shared with it. Also take the time to appreciate your city, appreciate your neighborhood the first place you called home, because we might not see it again as we once knew it. New York City has grown and will continue to change, but your love and memories will keep it the same.



Shitty First Drafts by Anne Lamott (response)

Christine Mitchell
Sarah Ostiz

English 101

Shitty First Drafts response





I think, one thing people can agree on, with the exception of that one perfect person is shitty first draft. In the article “Shitty First Drafts” Anne Lamott talks about how even the best writers in the world have shitty first drafts. She goes on to explain that at times stories don’t just come pouring out of the writers fingers with just one try, they don’t just sit back and instantly a best seller is created. It takes that shitty first draft to first create your vision, then the second draft to clarified your vision and then finally the third take your vision and turn it into a master piece.

One line that stood out to me was when Anne Lamott stated “we all often feel like we are pulling teeth, even those writers whose prose ends up being the most natural and fluid,” that’s something I definitely can relate to at times its feels like its takes everything inside me to just figure out the first paragraph let alone the stature of what my essay should be like. And at times those end up being the best essays, the ones that I had no clue on what or where to even start.

Something else that stood out to me was “I’d get up and study my teeth in the mirror for a while. Then I’d stop, remember to breathe, make a few phone calls, hit the kitchen and chow down. Eventually I’d go back and sit down at my desk, and sigh for the next ten minutes” (Anne Lamott). I think a lot of people can relate to this, I for one can, there are times where I sit back and prepare myself to write an essay and come up with one line, searching the air for the answer and nothing. Then I close the book shut it close, call it a day I’m “toast” as Anne mention, and go about my day. I would clean the house anything, then come back to it and its like something in me just jolted and boom I’m writing my first draft just letting my ideas and thoughts pour right out of me, who cares if it doesn’t make any sense.

I believe Anne Lamott purpose when writing this article, was to let people know everyone even the best of the best at times struggle to come up with the best story and it all started with that shitty first draft. To not stress yourself out and beat yourself up. Take your time and let your ideas flow start that first draft, write whatever comes to mind, even if you think if someone reads it a may not make sense, but at least you see the vision your going for, it’s for your eyes only. Shitty first drafts are the beginning to something great!



Peak Performance by Daniel Goleman (response)

                           As the saying goes practice makes perfect. In the article “Peak Performance” Daniel Goleman gathers some research information, facts and study experiments on people deliberately practicing if its for sports, or a competitive game such as chess. He goes on to  explain that studies has shown, chess masters, musicians and star athletes show “that the relentless training routines of those at the top allow them to break through ordinary limits in memory and physiology and so perform at levels that had been thought impossible” (Daniel Goleman).  People who routinely practice and practice they may have break through on things that they never thought was possible.

                            As time and the years past and the more competitive the game become, the more one must practice. You must convert your love of sport into a skill with sheer practice. Studies has shown the more hours of practice may lead to a break through to mental capacities on memory, particular short term memory.

                           This article stood out to me, because as a child and even as an adult all you ever hear is practice makes perfect, I preach this to my son till this very day. With any skill you chose to embrace it must follow with practice to perfect that skill. I believe the author purpose was not only to give you facts on the importance of practice, but to inform people that  no matter how good you are at something you can always prefect it with practice. Life is all about perfecting yourself for greatness.

Midterm re-write

Should a person lack of grammar or bad grammar affect or pose a threat to their job opportunity. How would you feel if you where made aware that your application was tossed to the side for lack of or bad grammar. In the article “Good Applicants with Bad Grammar”John Mcwhorter argues that a person who is unable to understand the difference between its and it’s may not be offered a job handling legal documents, but it shouldn’t affect their opportunities for other jobs that are not requiring for an applicant to up hold prefect grammar. John Mcwhoter states ” after we pat ourselves on the back for upholding grammar standards, how many of us can really justify barring someone from a decent job because he or she isn’t always clear on the difference between “your” and “you’re”, the fault is not in the applicant and this doesn’t characterized them as lazy, but its the fault of the education system itself.

The Movie That Changed my Life by Terrie McMillan response

Christine Mitchell

Prof: Ostiz

English 101

Reading response



The Movie That Changed My Life by Terry McMillan




Have you ever seen a movie and wished you could escape into another life, a different world as the people in the movies do? In the story “The Movie That Changed My Life” Terry McMillan describes her life living in a small town in Michigan, Port Huron and how she longed for an escape. The author describes her first time seeing the movie the “Wizard of Oz” and the impact the movie had on her and how she was able to relate to Dorothy. Like Dorothy, Terrie lived with a bossy mom who kind of reminded her of Dorothy’s aunt Auntie Em they both ran the show. They both longed for an escape out of the chaotic lives that their living.

A part that stood out to me was when she said “And even though I lived in a house full of people, I knew how lonely Dorothy felt, or at least how isolated she must have felt” (Terrie). They both felt alone and isolated, not able to speak with anyone and didn’t fit in. Both Dorothy and Terrie long for something different and better, but had no one to share their thoughts.

Something that also stood out to me was when she stated “ I didn’t know little Dorothy was actually dreaming”, “ of course, once I realized she was in fact dreaming, it occurred to me that this very well might be the only way to escape” (Terrie). It occurred to her that she may not be able to escape the chaotic world she calls life, but maybe through dreaming she can learn to escape to another place that wasn’t her own.

In watching “Wizard of Oz” it though Terrie a lesion, as she stated “ I do believe that the oz taught me much about friendship”, it thought her even though she may not have meat any good friends yet, but when she did she would learn to cherish them because good friends are hard to come by. The movie also thought to have a different outlook on life, a different outlook on her life.

I believe the authors purpose of this story, was no matter what your situation is or how crazy your life may be, you must have faith. You have to believe in yourself and that things can get better. In life you will deal with adversity and obstacles that will try and at times get in your way, but it’s how you overcome them adversity without letting it bring you down. Life is full of trials and tribulations, but doesn’t break you will only make you stronger


compare and contrast

Times Square on the other hand is known to be a famous tourist area, full of site seeing and shopping, not only for tourist but also for people who lived in the city their whole life. It’s known for the bright lights, Broadway shows, plays and of course live street performances. Time Square is full of street venders selling hot dogs and peanuts smelling so good and fresh you can taste them, people selling all type of art and paintings.  People will stop you to take a photo of you or even paint a portrait of you and your family. You will see people of all characters like the famous cowboy man who sings in nothing but his cowboy hat, underwear, and guitar, or you may even catch Mickey and Minnie giving out autographs and taking pictures with the little kids who look up to them.  Times Square is know as FB_IMG_1426612632561the city that never sleeps. 

compare and contrast first draft

Williamsburg is what I’ve called home for the past 4 months now and I love it. My neighborhood may not be full of lights or tourist site seeing, broadway shows and plays, or live performances on the street. What I will say my neighborhood is full of diversity and culture, when walking through my neighborhood you see people of all different colors and shades and each all bring their own culture. In just turning one corner you can get smacked in the face by the fresh smell of food cooking, smell full of flavor that it’s almost as if you can taste it. You hear the sounds of children in the morning, you can see the little old Spanish lady who routinely looks out her window in thr morning drinking her coffee and eating a slice of bread. You see cars commuting back and forth to work, horns blwoing, school buses picking and dropping students off. Where I live is not just a neighborhood bit it’s a community full of life.20150316_082914

Remembering My Childhood on the Continent of Africa ” Summary”

The story “Remembering my Childhood on the Continent of Africa” David Sedaris compared the life of his own and the life of his friend an eleven year old boy name Hugh. David describes life as to be exotic and more interesting than that of his own. He describes his life to be very dull and the only somewhat exciting experience he had and recalls was when he went to visit his grandmother who seem not to know who he was.  The life and stories of Hugh going to an Ethiopian slaughterhouse, having house boys as he called it and going to different family vacation intrigued him, as he said when told stories “it’s all I can do to hold back jealously”. At the end David realized that maybe he should appreciate his own life.

Remembering My Childhood on the continent of Africa by David Sedaris

Sometimes we find ourselves more excited and interested in the life of others, then that of our own. In the story “Remembering My Childhood on the Continent of Africa” David Sedaris compares his dull life to the life of his friends Hugh, whose life seems so much more exciting and interesting to David. He first describes Hugh experience to an Ethiopian slaughterhouse for a field trip; even though he thought it was a little inappropriate for a busload of eleven year olds, he still found it to be exciting and way better then the field trips he’s been on. David was so intrigued by the stories and the life of Hugh that he never really took time to appreciate the life of his own.

Something that stood out to me was when David spoke of a time he went to the movies to see a movie about a talking Volkswagen nothing out of the order nary happen. Then he compared it to when Hugh went to see the same movie, but when Hugh came out him and the movie viewers was greeted by a man hanging from a telephone pole and since Hugh father was late to pick him up he stood there waiting just looking at the body move with the win. David was so interested in Hughs life that I don’t think he ever wonder how these experience may have impacted or how it could affected Hugh.

I also found it compelling when David Sedaris said “I have learned to take satisfaction in the life that Hugh has led. His stories have, over time, become my own.” He was so interested in Hugh life and stories and the vivid details that he felt the stories was that of his own. The life he wish he had, the experiences he wish he was fortunate to live.  I guess that’s why in the end he kind of refers himself to a thief, since he was stealing the stories and kind of living through Hugh life instead of his own.

I wonder if David ever really start to appreciate his own life in the story he goes on to say “I should have been happy with what I had. Rather than surrender to my bitterness” for a moment he there he came to the realization that he should be happy with what he have, but it he seem to still be bitter with the life he lived.

In life there will be people who live more exciting, interesting and extravagant lives, but you should still appreciate the life of your own. We are allowed only one life and one chance to make it the best, so we must learn to appreciate it,  live it and love what we have.