Midterm re-write

Should a person lack of grammar or bad grammar affect or pose a threat to their job opportunity. How would you feel if you where made aware that your application was tossed to the side for lack of or bad grammar. In the article “Good Applicants with Bad Grammar”John Mcwhorter argues that a person who is unable to understand the difference between its and it’s may not be offered a job handling legal documents, but it shouldn’t affect their opportunities for other jobs that are not requiring for an applicant to up hold prefect grammar. John Mcwhoter states ” after we pat ourselves on the back for upholding grammar standards, how many of us can really justify barring someone from a decent job because he or she isn’t always clear on the difference between “your” and “you’re”, the fault is not in the applicant and this doesn’t characterized them as lazy, but its the fault of the education system itself.

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