Shitty First Draft Response

– Even the best writers have shitty first drafts
– writing down everything that comes to mind is sometimes the best way to begin
– everyone experiences writers block where they don’t know where to begin
– the first draft leads to better developed pieces of work
– it takes time to begin a piece but once you start you write everything

The author shares how she experienced writers block while sitting with some friends and how she always goes through that process of not knowing where to start to writing a few lines then deleting them to taking a break to coming back and actually starting their piece. I feel like this is every writer that doesn’t know where to begin but once you get to the stage where you start writing then there is no pausing and whatever comes to mind is written no matter how silly the paper comes out.

A question I would have would be Is there a faster method to getting your mind going instead of having to go through the process the author goes through?

The author’s purpose would be to share with the reader that every writer great or not has to start somewhere and how everyone needs shitty first drafts because from there better pieces are developed and to encourage readers to never be ashamed of their first draft because their pieces could only improve from that point.

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