1. Even the best authors or writers have a shitty first draft
2. Very few writers really know what they are doing until they’ve done it.
3. you will go through many drafts until you have thee paper
4. The first draft is the child’s draft.
5. Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start

“One writer I know tells me that he sits down every morning and says to
himself nicely, “It’s not like you don’t have a choice, because you do — you can
either type, or kill yourself.”” Anne Lamott definitely got my attention with this line. Any time I write any piece of literature or paper, I rarely have a choice. It just has to get done. I love myself so the thought of killing myself never comes into play, so I write my shitty first draft and work on it until I feel that is presentable and acceptable by the reader.

“You just let this childlike part of you channel whatever voices and visions
come through and onto the page.” The best way to write any paper is to be innocent as a child would be. I can relate to this because that is how my writing process begins.

The author wrote this to make those who write see that even the greatest writers start out shitty and become great.

One question I would ask the author, “would planning out your writing lead to a less shitty piece and making the writer a lot more comfortable about their work?

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