Peak Performance by Daniel Goleman response

By Muthahar Nasim


5 observations


  1. Olympics have become more and more competitive so the athletes have to more lifetime hours on practicing to compete
  2. Extensive practice can break through barriers in mental capacities.
  3. Coaching method became more sophisticated and the equipments improved
  4. The ability to increase memory in a particular areas depends on wide range of high level of activities.
  5. Repeatedly practicing chess can results in exceptional memory.


Compelling moments:


It,s incredible how chess masters are able to look at a chess board in mid game for as little as five seconds and repeat the position of every piece on the board.

The marathon gold medalist’s time in the 1896 Olympics Games won’t be able to compete in the qualifying round by 1990.




  1. How long does the chess masters have to play chess to acquire such skills?



To send a message to everyone out there who’s trying to make it is that “ The more you practice the better you get a something”.

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