Peak Performance by Daniel Goleman (response)

                           As the saying goes practice makes perfect. In the article “Peak Performance” Daniel Goleman gathers some research information, facts and study experiments on people deliberately practicing if its for sports, or a competitive game such as chess. He goes on to  explain that studies has shown, chess masters, musicians and star athletes show “that the relentless training routines of those at the top allow them to break through ordinary limits in memory and physiology and so perform at levels that had been thought impossible” (Daniel Goleman).  People who routinely practice and practice they may have break through on things that they never thought was possible.

                            As time and the years past and the more competitive the game become, the more one must practice. You must convert your love of sport into a skill with sheer practice. Studies has shown the more hours of practice may lead to a break through to mental capacities on memory, particular short term memory.

                           This article stood out to me, because as a child and even as an adult all you ever hear is practice makes perfect, I preach this to my son till this very day. With any skill you chose to embrace it must follow with practice to perfect that skill. I believe the author purpose was not only to give you facts on the importance of practice, but to inform people that  no matter how good you are at something you can always prefect it with practice. Life is all about perfecting yourself for greatness.

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