Senioritis by Angel Vallejo

Once upon a time there was this boy named Angel. He had senioritis his last year of high school. Going into your last year of high school most students gets that overwhelming feeling of finally graduating, that they get so lazy and just start to slack off. Angel was one of those students.

Angel was very laid back his final year of highschool. He passed all his regents and he only needed to worry about two classes, so it was basically a cake walk if you asked him. He often got to school late because his lazy behind did not want to get up in the morning. You would think that this is going to catch up with with him, but boy are we wrong.

Angel’s final year was actually a success report card wise. He barely did homework but seen his average increase each and every marking period. He was shocked because he felt like he didn’t deserve such high grades, but like a normal student he did not question it and instead appreciated it.

How can you forget about the complaining ? The amount of times the sentence “I can’t wait to graduate” was said by Angel , the mathematicians would have to come to come up with a new number. He was just so anxious to leave, he felt like he was in highschool for such a long time. Months past and graduation finally came. Angel couldn’t believe it. A part of him felt like he was going to miss high school, but he got what he wished for.

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