Intro. to Journalism

ENG1151 Fall 2023

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Elan Gan

Hello Everyone,

My name is Elan Gan. I am a junior here at City Tech. My pronouns are he/him. My major is biomedical informatics. Some of my favorite hobbies are playing ice hockey as well as tennis, which I started getting into recently. I personally love the summer because you get to spend time on the beach and there are so many sporty games you can play which is my type of style. I also the the winter because of the snow. Snow makes me feel comfortable and i love the smell of the air in the cold weather. I also like it when the snow freezes a bit so we can play hockey outside in our backyard. I don’t have a personal favorite media topic to talk about but if the event is major or affects a lot of people, i will inform myself on the event to be able to talk to others about it.


The 2022 New York Rangers Game Day Experience | Madison Square Garden, NYC  - YouTube

This picture is of the arena where my favorite hockey team plays. I have been a fan since I was a little boy and i am still today. The reason hockey is so valuable to my life is that it has taught me so many valuable life lessons that i use to this day and i will use in the future as well. It taught me how to be determined in my goals, it taught me responsibility, but most importantly it taught me how to make myself a better person and try to help those around me if they are struggling.

Aaron Gan

Hello, My name is Aaron Gan. I am 19 years old, and going to turn 20 in October. I am a Junior at new york city college of technology. I am currently studying and majoring in biomedical informatics. I wanna say college so far has been an experience. I didn’t think that I would have made as many friends as I have now. It is unbelievable to believe the growth I have seen in myself and my fellow friends from when we first came to the school until now. I enjoy science and and technol;ogy I think that is why I chose my major. I also really like to play hockey. I started to learn to skate when I was 8 years old. I then started to play hockey at 10. 9 years later still play hockey to this day. Currently, I work in a hospital in IT, helping nurses residents, or even doctors in or’s er’s or any location with their technology issues. working in a hospital really opened my eyes to the world of what can happen in a short day.

Below is a picture of me and my twin brother. He is the closest person to me and we are extremely close. Ever since day one we would always be together going from hockey to the park to having the same friends to have the same interests it was like having the same person by your side the entire day. I think that my brother and I have the same goals in life and I would like to get to the top together.

Cindy Martinez

Hello peers, my name is Cindy Martinez, I’m majoring in Human Services and I’m addressed as she / her. This is my last semester til graduation and I’m very happy that it’s finally coming to an end soon. I haven’t really been up to anything since I’ve been working all summer. On my days off from work, which are the weekends, I try to go out and spend as much quality time with my Fiance. We currently reside in Brooklyn. Some nyc activities or something that I enjoy doing mostly are going to the movies and trying new restaurants.

The picture I shared is just a little piece of memory where I felt the most comfortable and stress-free. Earlier this year started on a rocky foot and just when things felt like it was getting worse my fiance surprised me with a birthday trip that I’m grateful for , for it had turned a bad birthday into a sweet little vacation. I was introduced to a new environment and cultural values that differ from the ones I was raised into. I felt my most free self here and I would like to go back to this particular place for the people I met, food I loved and the tranquility.

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