Weekly Schedule 

(Classes Begin Friday 8/25)


Open Lab posts due by the end of the day


Office Hours (4-5 pm)  Attendance optional

I will post your weekly assignment (and will have responded to your previous week’s posts)

FALL 2023 Academic Schedule (including withdrawal deadlines) 


Weekly Calendar of Topics and Assignments  

Week 1  Welcome to City Tech and English 1151

Watch Introduction Video

Register for OpenLab and request membership to our course site

Write your Self-Introduction to our class

Respond to another student’s self-introduction

Create free New York Times account

Read: Nolan Higdon Teaching Media Literacy


Week 2  History of “the News”

Watch Video:  “The Origin of the News”

Read: “What is the Role of a Newspaper Anyway?”

Take a Virtual Walking Tour from “City of Print” (Digital Project created by Prof. Mark Noonan)

Post a response on OpenLab to what interested you in each video.

Read your classmates’ responses prior to posting, so you contribute a new point. 


Week 3  The Art of the Interview


1) “Ebony Returns to Chronicle a New Moment”

2)  “Did I Really Just Buy Ebony?”  Interview with Eden Bridgeman Sklenar

3)  “Street-Beat Confidential:Juan Gonzalez”

4) City Tech Student Profile on NY1

Post a response to what you found interesting about one of these articles that you think will be helpful for a student journalist.


Week 4  The Elements of Journalism


“Elements of Journalism”

Society of Professional Journalists CODE OF ETHICS

Stamford Students Take Down a President

Ezra Klein “I Didn’t Want It to Be True, but the Medium Really Is the Message” 

Post a comment to this Klein-inspired question: How has the Internet, communications technology, and/or social media affected your life  either positively or negatively?  Be specific about which form of social media or media “medium” you are describing.

Work on Student Profile Assignment with your partner


Week 5 The History of Fake News and the First Amendment

John Peter Zenger Trial 1735

Fake News in the Revolutionary War

The Supreme Court and Online Speech


Week 6 Objectivity and the News

Read Lewis Wallace The View From Somewhere  and  “Objectivity is Dead”

1619 Project


Weeks 7  Writing the Opinion Essay (OpEd)

OpEd (Assignment #2)

Sample Op Eds (and Op Docs):

Here is an excellent OpEd from the New Yorker asking to increase funding for CUNY (which includes an interview with a City Tech Student): CUNY Article

Here is an excellent selection of Op Docs from the New York Times (a good source for thinking about a good topic and how to present an OpEd in video form):

Video Op Ed section

City Tech Student Video: “Critical Race Theory: Pass it On” Arnold Ludd


Weeks 8-10 Investigative Reporting

Watch: Maria Schrader’s  She Said that captures the careful craft of journalism and the passion of those who work in the field.  It’s already being considered one of the best films on journalism, ranking alongside All the President’s Men (1976), which follows the journalists who uncovered the Watergate scandal that forced President Nixon out of office in 1975.

Ida B. Wells “Lynching in the South”

Ta Nehisi Coates’ “The Case for Reparations”


Draft of Op Ed Assignment (Assignment #2) Due


The Five Demands 

Film on the history of CUNY and the Civil Rights Movement


Weeks 11-13   Mobile and Social Media Journalim



Week 14 The Art of the Documentary                     

Many Years Later                                                                

Or Szyflingier and Jonathan Baez, “The SoHo Memory Project” (2020)

Kyle Spencer, “The Memory-Keeper of SoHo” (2015)


Week 15  Course Wrap-up.  Feature Project or Proposal Due.


Recommended Films on the Media:

 Don’t Look Up  


The Dissident on the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi by the Saudi Government.

“The Center Will Not Hold” (Documentary on Joan Didion)

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