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Introduction- Matthew

Hi, My Name is Matthew Castro(He/Him). I was born and raised in Queens, NY. I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I picked Mechanical Engineering because I know it is really important in this day and age and I would like to be a part of that. I like to bike ride around the city and see places I haven’t seen before. My interests are Music, Video Games, and training in MMA.  I enjoy reading books I just don’t make the effort of looking for a book to read. I enjoy listening to podcasts and watching them as well. This summer I hope everyone has a good and easygoing time.

Video Lecture on first Writing Assignment (Essay Draft due Monday, June 7 — midnight deadline)

Be sure to first read the post below this post for first day instructions.
Hi Students,
I. Please watch my video lecture that covers writing tips, discusses our course site, and provides directions on the first writing assignment.

Here is a powerpoint version of my talk:  Writing-Process

II.  After watching this video and reviewing the powerpoint, read George Orwell’s “Why I Write” and the student essay by Ashiley Thomas.

III. Next, begin brainstorming and outlining your own literacy essay.  

IV. Draft your essay and upload it to our googledrive.

Please email me regarding any questions or concerns.

Prof. Mark Noonan


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