Category: Class Introductions (Page 5 of 7)


Hello everyone my name is Carlos. (he or him) I live in Bedstuy Brooklyn for the past 10 years. I’m currently in pursuit of getting my Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Technology. I chose to pursue a career in architecture because as a young boy I would always be fascinated by how many of the skyscrapers or small homes were designed and where the architect got his or her idea from to create the design. As well there is a game called “The Sims’ where you can create a house to your liking and be able to design it however you like. I’m a certified pharmacy technician currently working in Brooklyn. Some of my favorite things to do it play guitar, draw new designs, or play video games. A favorite author would be Frank Lloyd Wright. I enjoy listening to all types of music, but I mostly listen to music from the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s. The band Queen is one of my all-time favorites.


Hello, everyone. My name is Emily (she/her) and I’m majoring in Business and Technology of Fashion. I’m born and raised in Manhattan, New York but I currently reside in Brooklyn. Although I am in fashion, I am actually in social media marketing and do freelance content creation for brands. I’m currently interning for Nickelodeon so I make short clips for their YouTube and social media pages (yay, Spongebob!).

I’m a huge fan of exploring new places and cooking new recipes. Hopefully as things start to get “normal” again, we can travel and we get to see what the world has to offer. I just came back from a trip to St. Thomas and this is the view from the villa I got to stay in.  Wish life was “vaycay” mode all the time.

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Hi all, I’m Tatiana.

I am a Communication Design student here, at CityTech. I am originally from Eastern Europe, but have been living  in New York for the past 12 years. The photo I am sharing was taken at Lincoln Center last week. That moment reminded me how much I love this town! Considering all challenges of last year, it feels great to see New Yorkers enjoy public spaces again, safely. Professor, thank you for advancing the reading list. I have started On Writing Well, and found it a good read, three chapters in.

Some of my favorite recent authors are Don Norman ( “The Design of Everyday Things”)  and Steve Krug ( “Don’t make me think” ). Both books explore the topic of usability and human-centered design.  Language is an inseparable part of good design. Both are used to tell a story. I am always eager to learn more ways to tell a story, and look forward to improve my English Composition skills during this class.

Hope everyone enjoys the class, and fulfills the goals set forth!


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