Hello everybody, my name is habeeb ( he, him,his) I was born in United States of America ,but raised in the middle east ” Yemen” finally I’m back to America again. Currently I live in Brooklyn. I’m majoring in liberal arts for now ,but I going to change it to the pharmacist program. I believe that one day I will achieve my goals and become a pharmacist. Pharmacist was my dream career so I will do everything to become a pharmacist. I believe in hard work. I’m also interested in the cryptocurrency I believe that it’s will be the future currency. Im a big fam of the middle eastern food. I love every dish of the middle eastern food. I recommend all of you to try these kinds of food” you never will be regretted “. I’m also a business owner I have a couple of convenience stores , so beside studying I take care of my business. I love to travel and experience a different things. Hopefully when everything will goes back to normal. I will travel to all over Europe.