Introduction-Junhao Yu

Hi everyone, my name is Junhao Yu. I can tell from the name that I am from China and I live in Brooklyn now. My major is mechanical engineering, and I like it very much. This comes from my dream when I was very young. About 5 years ago, I taught myself to assemble a racing drone. This is a dream I wanted to achieve when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school. Fortunately, I realized it. When I first had this idea, I didn’t even know the name of each component. Then I looked for information on the Internet bit by bit to learn the role and working principle of each component of the drone. At the same time, I also love to play games and stay at home.


  1. Jane Won (Jung)

    Hello Junhao, nice to meet you. It is amazing that you had a dream since you were very young! I think a Mechanical Engineering major is absolutely amazing. Let’s study and work hard together this semester!

  2. Itay

    Hi Junhao,
    I am also a mechanical engineering major entering my third semester in the Fall. It’s nice that you managed to learn from the internet and develop your skills. I think that the internet is a powerful source of knowledge that we should use more to develop the next phase of professional education because it allows everyone to have access to information no matter where they live or how much money they have.

  3. Louna Lafond

    Hi Junhao-Yu, Its exciting to follow what your heart desires. I can only feel it simply from reading. Lol jk! That is amazing keep going bro, Let’s do great for this short semester

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