
Hello, everyone. My name is Emily (she/her) and I’m majoring in Business and Technology of Fashion. I’m born and raised in Manhattan, New York but I currently reside in Brooklyn. Although I am in fashion, I am actually in social media marketing and do freelance content creation for brands. I’m currently interning for Nickelodeon so I make short clips for their YouTube and social media pages (yay, Spongebob!).

I’m a huge fan of exploring new places and cooking new recipes. Hopefully as things start to get “normal” again, we can travel and we get to see what the world has to offer. I just came back from a trip to St. Thomas and this is the view from the villa I got to stay in.  Wish life was “vaycay” mode all the time.

Processed with VSCO with c6 preset


  1. Aban Waleed

    Wow, the view in that picture looks amazing. Hope you had fun on your trip. I am also interested in business, mostly stocks, amazon fba and creating my own brand. What kind of social media marketing do you do? Do you just sponsor or are you planning on creating your own brand?

    • Emily Hu

      Hey, Aban! I mainly do brand sponsorships to advertise for them. I work with a lot of lifestyle, beauty, and fashion based content. Sometimes I make content exclusively for brands to post on their social media pages. No plans as of right now to make my own brand! I need to learn more about stocks so I can invest properly.

      • Aban Waleed

        Oh I see. The stock market is crazy at the moment. All being manipulated by people. I hope you look into it and learn about it because knowledge about the stock market and money in general is very important.

  2. Tatiana Ribeiro

    Hi Emily,

    What a view on the photo your shared! I am with you on wishing life was a “vacay” mode all the time. Although, even when I travel, I take my laptop with me, and end up working on some personal or a freelance project anyway) I guess it is inspiration that comes from seeing new places and meeting new people, that drives me to create something. Also, yay Spongebob!

  3. Mark Noonan

    Welcome aboard Emily. I’d love to hear more about your work at Nickelodeon, perhaps in your first essay.

    Prof. Noonan

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