
Hello everyone. my name is Ameer (He/Him), I am currently studying civil engineering (Construction) at City Tech. Engineering is something that I was always interested in doing for a really long time as long as I can remember, and it’s what I wanted to do in the future. I am from Guyana (South America) but I have been living in the Queens NY for the past 10 years. I really don’t have a favorite author and writer because most of the time I would only read something that interest me. Lastly, I am a person that like to travel around the place, and maybe around the world some day. The best part about traveling is that I get to meet new people and leaning new things.

“Earth is home”


  1. Aban Waleed

    If by place you meant world, then I also love to travel the world and see new places. There are many great places you can visit and fun adventures you have when traveling.

    • Ameer

      Hi Aban, Thanks for the feed back. I just made some changes.

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