Homework for next Tuesday

  1. Read (and take notes!): Vanity Fair Interview on Barak Obama’s new memoir

2. Read: Obama’s excerpt,  PromisedLand 

Here is a published shorter version: A Promised (if you’re short on time).

3. Post a response to issues raised in Caroline Hellman’s “In Defense of the

Classroom” . In a paragraph or two, discuss your experiences taking on-line

classes last semester. To post, click on “comments” above, write your post in

the text box, and post. Post due by Monday, 2/8.

Image and Article: The West Colonnade in the White House



  1. Kiara

    Hello, My name is Kiara Martinez and I’m a transfer student. I did two years at upstate Schenectady, I graduated with my associate’s degree in May 2020 online. Switching to remote learning my last semester before getting my associates was a very challenging situation. Although I had taken an online class before it wasn’t as intense. All my classes that semester were hands-on which means instead of sitting in the classroom we were baking and cooking in the kitchen. Half on my semester was cut short and everything was virtually, imagine learning how to bake virtually. The fall semester that just past was a bit more difficult because I was working full time and doing school virtually full time. My days consisted of working 8-4 to come home and get online for another 4 hours, eat and go to bed and prepare myself to do the samething the next day. That semester was the toughest semester for me but I got through it.

  2. DanaK.F

    My name is Dana Forrester, I am a transfer from a collage call TAMCC on the island of Grenada, where I studies business management and sociology and graduated with my associates in social science. I have never done any form of online class. I moved back to the New York, so that I would not have to go to school online. The colleges in Grenada did not offer what I wanted to study in person but only online so I decided to leave my home and move here so that I would be able t0 be in a classroom. It all about knowing yourself as a student and how you learn best and for me that would be in the classroom. I was two months in of classes at city tech before getting send homed to the online learning. The feeling is not the same, the connection with your fellow classmates is not the same when you are online looking at screen filled with pictures of the faces or of something else. I personally dislike online learning but have no choice. I believe that I would have learned a lot more than I have in the classroom than online. hopefully, everything goes back to normal and we all can be back in that beautiful place they call the classroom.

  3. Samia Oummou

    My name is Samia, I am a transfer student from Kingsborough Community College . this is my first semester at City Tech College and my first time taking online classes. As a foreigner, I am still fresh in the schooling system in the US., It was challenging for me to onboard a new educative system (American) in a new teaching process (online). I have already attended university in my home country, but the education was face-to-face and not online. Consequently, I needed to double my efforts in order to increase my chances of success.
    For this reason, meeting people was important to help me onboard as smoothly as possible. In the beginning, I felt lonely and did not know who to approach in case of questions.
    Additionally important classes such as labs are now scheduled via zoom, meaning I am not able to participate at any experiment and practice the safety rule. Lecture alone are definitely not enough for me. Labs help me to convert the theory into practical and real life cases. it is preferred to have live education, where students can ask questions and engage in discussions for clarifications.
    despite all these disadvantages. My experience with the remotely learning apparently is helping for me in a certain point, because I am a mother of a four years old child, so I believe that it is a good opportunity to be at school and watch my kid in the same time.

  4. Sarafina M.

    Hello everyone, my name is Sarafina Mohammed. This is my first year at City Tech and this is my second semester. When the lockdown took place I was in my senior year of Highschool. My hopes were that this would all be over by the time I enter college. That hope kept be excited, waiting and anticipating the start of a new chapter in my life. When I first register for classes I was scheduled to have classes on campus, however, that took a turn just a couple of weeks before classes was scheduled to begin. Before I knew it I was going to be taking all online classes. Even though I had some sort of remote learning experience I was concerned as to how things would run at this higher standard of learning. With that said I hoped for the best. Last semesters online learning was interesting to say the least. My classes ran as smoothly as they could. There were minor technical difficulties, however, it was not the worst way to start of the year. My professors were all welcoming and helped the most they possibly could. Getting in-touch with them were very easy and they made classes as interactive as they could. With that said, I still felt it missed that in person connection. It felt as though I wasn’t learning as well, having to sit through classes for such a long time made it hard to focus. I’m hoping that sooner than later we can all slowly return to campus.

  5. Cassandra Prince

    Caroline Hellman’s, “ In the Defense of the Classroom” raised an issue on disadvantages of virtual learning in comparison to the setting of the physical classroom. I understood her argument, when it came to socially interacting with your peers and professors face to face. Those words of encouragement, quick exchange of ideas, and human connections can not be replicated during virtual learning.
    Dealing with online learning last semester was a new experience for me. It took a lot of focus and discipline, to make sure I reached my goals, and complete my task before deadlines. I use to tutor young students in multiple areas of education, so it was easy for me to teach myself, due to templates I created in the past. I had to usually ask family and/or friends for second opinions on my finished work. The bond building with other creative minds is something that I miss. Also, the direct help you can get on campus in comparison to email exchange, is missed due to delays in responses and/or follow ups.

  6. Mia Calixto

    My name is Mia, my experience taking online classes was difficult at times. I’m a communication design major so I already do work online using Adobe software so that wasn’t an issue. It was hard to communicate online with professors and students. The whole point of being an art major is not only creating but to show and discuss your work with others, to have to do this virtually is tough. Another reason it felt challenging is I normally complete assignments in the City Tech library or the computer lab and not at home. I get easily distracted at home because my family can be loud at moments; I didn’t have proper desk space at the beginning of remote learning. Now I am trying to improve my work habits and get through the semester while also working at a pottery studio.

  7. Alex Yauri

    Hello, my name is Alex Yauri. This is currently my second semester here at City Tech. My experience with remote learning last semester was honestly hell. I didn’t get that learning experience where I actually comprehended the material, I mostly memorized the material enough to get me by, and submitted my assignments before the deadlines. Having online classes puts me in a position where I just don’t have the motivation to keep going. Some professors honestly didn’t care anymore, that spark to teach just wasn’t there. I’m a hands on type of learner so staring at a screen for hours wasn’t effective for me. After awhile, logging onto my classes felt super optional even though it isn’t. Although, last semester was a struggle, I got through it and it helped me recognize that computer engineering isn’t for me. I’m now looking to transfer to MVCC to continue with becoming a aircraft maintenance technician because that’s what I was doing in high school before I ended up at City Tech.

  8. ashileythomas

    Hello my name is Ashiley Thomas and I am transfer student from SUNY Old Westbury. So when I first transferred into City Tech is when Corona case went up. It was my first time with this school and going from a SUNY to a CUNY was not easy especially online. All of the online mechanics are different via Black Board and the student portal. I had to get a new email, familiar with the school and its system along with a lot of my credits not transferring over. This became very difficult for me to talk to teachers and the staff of the school. Some teachers had technical difficulties , some teachers became sick or did not know how to work out moving class online. My first semester at City tech I took a math course which was extremely hard to take online, you do not get one and one learning with your teacher. They are harder to access and if you want to study in the library or just in a quiet place, sometimes home is just not the right place. I miss going to school and being in a classroom because although there is no place like home, sometimes it is nice to go into a classroom in a productive mindset. I have nothing against online learning because it fits better with my current schedule or trying to balance work and school but the human interaction instead of it being over computer is nice and I do miss it.

  9. afrina s nishat

    Hi, My name is Afrina Nishat. I am a transfer student from another country. this is my 4th semester at CUNY. I am very glad to get this course. I completed my 3 semester via online which was so difficult for me as a foreign student. Even I was very much confused about online home work but now it’s ok for me. On campus classes are more valuable for us. So I missed that. Also i don’t understand so many things in online because time is so short for teachers and i don’t get everything clearly. But I wish this class and this semester will be very clear and easy for me.

    • Mark Noonan

      Afrina. You are not listed as my student on my roster. I believe you are in the M/W section of ENG 1121 taught by Professor Lerner. Her email is: LLerner@citytech.cuny.edu

  10. Angelica Rodriguez

    Hi! My name is Angelica Rodriguez, and I am currently a sophomore in City Tech majoring in Human Services. A few of my interests include reading, binge and rewatching movies/tv shows, making coffee (I work at a coffee shop), and staying indoors. I wouldn’t consider myself an introvert but I do enjoy staying inside, although I do go out for major events. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY with a Dominican background. I have 1 niece and 1 nephew and they complete my life. I look forward to taking this class with a professor who seems to be enthusiastic about the subject, as I do enjoy reading and have gone back to do so. I enjoy PHYSICAL books, rather than books on a phone or computer.

  11. Angelica Rodriguez

    My experience for last semester online learning was extremely difficult. Since I am so accustomed to already staying home and taking that time as being home as a way of catching up on sleep, and relaxing, I found it hard to automatically switch to being productive. I always set a tone for a setting that I’m in, for example, at work; I am active and always on both feet, at school; I was always determined to learn and came in with an open mind ready to take up new ideas and information. So when I am home in school, I just felt mentally exhausted, anxious, and uninterested. Last semester took an extremely rough toll on me mentally, as I already have anxiety, and I eventually failed most of my classes last semester. I am trying to push myself through this semester and hope it turns out better than the last.

  12. Samuel Leriche

    My name is Samuel Leriche, I transferred to Citytech from Kingsborough last spring as a part time student . My first class was an hybrid class since I wanted to experienced an online class, but I did not want to fully enroll in an online course to avoid procrastination. Throughout the semester I had to switch fully online, first it was tough because the social interaction on the campus was missing. Personally, my college experience does not resume only taking classes but also the whole experience that comes with being in campus . Being on campus is watching students walking around with the energy they bring , it is color and light they project. Stuck at home at home in the middle of the pandemic took that away unexpectedly.
    Second, my ability to adapt quickly helps to overcome this situation. Even it is annoying to find help when needed it can be a blessing for rolling out of bed to enter a classroom of an early morning course.

    • Mark Noonan

      Samuel. You are not listed as my student on my roster. I believe you are in the M/W section of ENG 1121 taught by Professor Lerner. Her email is: LLerner@citytech.cuny.edu

  13. Maksym

    Hello, my name is Maksym Svitlynets and I am a student in NYC college of Technology since fall semester of 2018. At the beginning of my college journey I planned to earn my degree in dental hygiene and later move to dental school. However, during the fourth semester while taking all prerequisite classes for dental hygiene I realized that it is not mine so I thought about changing my major to Mechanical engineering. Suddenly, quarantine happened and every day routine was forced to move to a new lifestyle.
    Before Covid entered our life, my lifestyle was very simple: College-Work-Home and so on. Then quarantine had killed my “comfort zone living style”. College became online, there was barely any work available, for the first time it seemed to be the best time of my life when you have tons of free time. On the third day it started being like a torture, there was nothing to do. So I decided to get a job. After one hour of searching I got what I wanted, I became an appliance repair technician. This job is very closely related to engineering where you can get in touch with real stuff without any degree. Since college became fully-online I got a lot more free time which let me to work full time. So now on my job I am kind of getting my hands on what I am learning in college in the evening. This lets me remember my lectures more easily and enjoyable because for example today I am learning what a capacitor is, and tomorrow I have a chance to see myself what happens when the capacitor is not working on the appliance. Also, because now when I don’t have to spend time getting myself to college, I can save up to three hours a day and use them let say for my homework.
    In concussion, I don’t see any difference between online lectures or in class lectures ( unless it is lab class ). In my opinion it doesn’t matter how you are getting study material. Sometimes you are too tired to pay attention in class lectures so later on you have to go over all material again by yourself to keep up. While during an online lecture you would be less tired since you are not spending time on the road to college. So for me online studying is much more efficient than in class.

  14. chris

    My name is Christos Klitsinikos, this is my second the third year at City Tech and transitioning from In person classes to online Is a major game changer when it comes to teaching as a teacher, and learning as a student.
    The benefits of teaching In person are more than the benefits of teaching online, more meaning more valuable and more by a number.
    For example, In person teaching gives the student a reason to learn, the one on one interaction a student has with a professor Is more better in terms of teaching because the student focuses mostly on what the teacher is saying, rather than online teaching we’re the student could lose interest in the subject within a matter of seconds, also the student has nothing better to do than listen and learn during class, but when it’s online the scenario changes because the student has a ton of things to do at home which are most times actually worth the time or just wasting it, and that leaves the teacher thinking that the student does pay attention to the class but In reality the student Is doing a bunch of other stuff, could be playing video games or doing homework, but the point is that it’s not helping either the student or the teacher.

  15. Christina Bethelmy

    My experience from last semester in online school was different. I feel like it has pros and cons but I like it because it offers flexibility that physically going to school never offered, and also the fact that I didn’t have to wake up early to commute to school for a year and do classwork in the comfort of my own home. The cons of my experience was really obvious when I couldn’t see my friends in person anymore as often as I did, or socialize with anyone physically like I used to due to covid. But overall my experience was okay I do miss physically going to school but online school is okay too for the time being.

    • Mark Noonan

      Christina. You are not listed as my student on my roster. I believe you are in the M/W section of ENG 1121 taught by Professor Lerner. Her email is: LLerner@citytech.cuny.edu

  16. michael.martinezh

    Hello my name is Michael Martinez-Hernandez and I am a transfer student from College of Staten Island(CSI). While I was at CSI I attended two semesters there. My first semester was in person and went great, but my second semester was online and was going okay in the beginning. I did well on my synchronous classes but not on my asynchronous, and when I would reach out to my professor in that class he would not answer any of my emails, so I tried the best I could. I still felt like I didn’t learn anything for that class last semester.
    Caroline Hellman’s, “ In the Defense of the Classroom” raised an issue of students’ concern on freedom, mobility, space and time. Which can be very difficult when you don’t have all the necessary items for the class. This can also affect the students’ learning by not being able to give their full focus on the subject matter. It is also more difficult to raise concerns or ask questions in an asynchronous setting.

  17. dajana neziri

    My name is Dajana Neziri. This is my second year in City Tech with a major of Architectural Technology.
    To start with, I deeply disagree with online classes. It was much better in- person class.
    My major has a lot of new tech programs that I never used before. For example this semester I have AutoCad , a computer program that I never used it before and I registered to some workshops to learn it more. The person who gives the workshops never showed in the virtual meeting. So what happens next? I have to struggle more with this.

    Furthermore, by going to college we make new friends. We also meet our old friends and help each other when its necessary. I just need my previous college life.

    In the end, I miss a lot in person classes and I do not like online classes. But even what I think about it, me and everyone have to adapt with this new method until COVID-19 leaves our lives.

  18. Cristina Simeon

    My name is Cristina Simeon and I am majoring in Hospitality Management. This is my first year, second semester. My experience as first year student was unusual but interactive. Due to the uncertain situation, the classes were virtual. For the first few weeks, I felt like I couldn’t handle it because I was overwhelmed by the size of assignments and projects. Over time, the interaction with the teachers improved. So, my experience as a first-year student was good and stressful. In the reading “In defense of the classroom” I felt identified with the feelings that the professor reflects in the essay. Having distance classes is a personal and collective commitment, because students and teachers interact continuously. Now I am working on establishing study schedules and assignments.

  19. nadav

    Hello, my name is Nadav Shabat, last semester was my first year in college as well as City Tech. I was kind of disappointed at first that I wouldn’t be able to go to school and learn, because learning online is more difficult than in-person I believe, as well as getting in contact with my teachers. But as the semester went on there were some positive things that came along with online learning. I was able to work more, had more free time on my hand because instead of needing to take a bus from Staten Island to Brooklyn every day, everything I needed was at the tip of my finger, so I finished work quicker and had more time on my hands to study as well as, getting to sleep more which I really love. Online learning is difficult as well as beneficial there is always two sides to the same coin nothing is necessarily bad or good it just matters the way you look at it. Yes in-class learning is amazing you get to interact with people in person which is just a whole different scenery but online learning is not the worst. No matter if it online or in-person stay positive because at the end of the day we have to make the best out of every situation. So stay positive everyone and let’s get through this together.

  20. Tiffany Price

    My name is Tiffany Price, this is my second semester at City Tech and my first year in college. I actually really enjoy online classes, I have bad social anxiety so this makes it a lot easier for me to learn without feeling out of place. However, it is difficult to stay on track during these times. You need a lot of self control to be able to keep up with fully online classes. It becomes too easy to just ignore your responsibilities because it doesn’t even feel like real life sometimes. In my first semester things were great. In this semester I’ve been having a lot of issues with communicating through email about one of my classes. And I’ve been emailing for weeks and still nothing has happened. This is my second experience of emails for weeks with no response or help. It becomes very frustrating and hard to stay motivated when things don’t go as I planned. I’m talking about my bio classes not this class, I actually really enjoy taking english classes online. Last semester I had an English class and it was fun to be able to be in my bed writing essays.

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