Maureen Neuringer | COMD 3711 | Section D030

07 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

Question 02 –

Describe how to close triangle shapes in the self-portrait.


  1. Franchesca Salas

    There is a major value in using the layers panel, it helps you work much cleaner. If you want to make any changes to a specific part of the art piece, it is a good habit to get into when you are creating larger more complicated pieces. It gives you the ability to separate specific components of the piece into one. If you want a layer full of groups of fur only, another full of let’s say clothes. 

    How to make sure a triangle is closed in the self-portrait is by clicking on it and it is actually a single shape. Sometimes you can not close the shape with the pen tool, which can lead to you creating a big mass of a shape.  In order o avoid this and having to start restarting from scratch is by hold the option key when creating the first point. This is the most essential part to help avoid getting that mas shape, the option key s your best friend. 

  2. Aiah Kassim

    Creating layers is important because it gives you more fluidity and it is more structured when you are working on multiple different layers that serve different purposes to create the overall final piece. The layers panel in illustrator can be found under the window and it is one of the most important panels to understand when using illustrator. The layer panel allows you to add, delete, hide, and lock any layer or sublayers. You may also alternate the layer that a selection is on by holding the small circle and pulling it into another circle on a different layer. This is extremely helpful because it is often the case where we find ourselves working on the wrong layer. To make a self portrait of triangles you use the pen tool over a reference image and click shift on the last point to make another individual triangle.

  3. Freddy Romero

    The value of creating layers in Illustrator is to keep your projects organized. In the layers panel you can rename each layer making it convenient to your design workflow. You can always go back to the layers and make changes to your design. The eye icon located to the left allows you to toggle on and off and view each part of your design elements, which is helpful. Therefore, you can group, lock, combine layers into a single layer and more.

    In order to close triangle shapes in the self-portrait you will need to use the pen tool (p). With the pen tool you can create different triangle shapes. Once a triangle is created, you can then deselect it by holding Cmd + Shift + A for Mac or Crtl + Shift + A for Windows. You can also use the deselect tool (A) to move a point from the triangle if you are not satisfied with its position.

  4. Darren Le

    Hey guys,

    The value of creating layers in Illustrator is organizing your work. Including layers in your file can help you make any artwork you finish more prepared. Having layers can also give you the ability to move things, hide, and lock objects, so your drawings cannot be inaccurate. Sometimes, working on the same layer can be hard.

    When you work on an object over and over sometimes you lose its original form

    which is why it’s better to duplicate artwork in another layer to see your

    progression. Having additional layers also can be useful because they can work

    as guides. When I create a logo or an illustration, I recommend using layers.

    One layer usually is the background, and the second layer is the fill. You can

    combine the layers too by grouping them g but still have them in their own


    To describe how to use a closed triangle in a self-portrait, you’ll need to use the Pen Tool and sometimes hold down the Shift key. The pen tool is in the toolbox located on the right-hand side of the document. So, when you create the triangle make sure you connect the last point to the first one.

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