Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section OL52 | Spring 2022

11 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

Describe how to load a selection and explain why it is beneficial to use this technique.

Question 02 –

How do you fill a selection with the foreground color? Background color?


  1. Jonathan Rodriguez

    1. To load a selection you first make your selection of whatever you want, then go up to the select tab and then click save selection. A new panel then pops up allowing you to save a selection with a name and it stays saved for you so that later on you can go back and get that same selection just the way to saved it. This can definitely be helpful when your working with multiple shapes that needs selections and to save time you can instead of selection each shape over and over you can save the selection once to use it later on.
    2. The easiest way of filling the selection with a background or foreground color is by selecting it with a selection tool like the magic wand and then click alt+delete for the foreground color or control+delete for the background color.

  2. Garry Pelzer Jr

    Question 01 –
    Describe how to load a selection and explain why it is
    beneficial to use this technique.

    Loading a selection is a two to three step process as you have to load the required information to have access to everything in a document. It is beneficial to use a selection because it makes life easier when getting through a task. Some people like to just make ends meet when they can but others like things to be layered up and organized.

    Question 02
    How do you fill a selection with the foreground
    color? Background color?

    Filling a selection with the foreground color require you to select the color picker too which designates to to that particular thing. The background color will be initiated within the layers created and provided in the document.

    • Ziqi

      I’m a bit confused on your answer to question 2, there are some spelling errors. But you can just use the magic wand tool to select a color and fill it with foreground by using alt/option delete and background by using control/command delete.

  3. Bonnie yang

    Question 01 –Describe how to load a selection and explain why it is beneficial to use this technique.
    To load a selection you click on selection and load selection on the top menu bar. It’s beneficial to use this technique because once you load the selection and save it you can edit it again later on.

    Question 02 –How do you fill a selection with the foreground color? Background color?
    To fill a selection with the foreground color you press option delete and for the background color you press command delete.

  4. Ziqi

    1. Describe how to load a selection and explain why it is beneficial to use this technique.
    To load a selection you go to select on the top menu and click load selection. It is beneficial to use this technique because you can always view the selection at any time.

    2. How do you fill a selection with the foreground color? Background color?
    Alt delete fills it with foreground color
    Control delete fills with background color
    Use the magic wand tool to select the color you want to change and use alt delete or control/command delete.

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