Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section OL52 | Spring 2022

07 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for the participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

Question 02 –

Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are creating are closed. How can you check to see if they are?


  1. Ziqi Lin

    What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?
    Value of creating layers in Illustrator is to stay organized and you’re able to label the layers to help you know what you’re working on.

    Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are creating are closed. How can you check to see if they are?
    You can check if the shapes are closed by clicking on the shape you drew with pen tool and fill it in with a color, if the color doesn’t fill the shape then you would know that something is wrong and there is an opening. You can then use the pen tool again to close in the shape.

  2. Alice Vidal

    1. The value of creating layers in illustrator is to help organize everything you are working with. It helps you to better detail stuff and can help you if you want to focus on specific parts. It can also help if you are making artwork using a reference underneath, where you would be able to hide layers. For example, if you are drawing a face you can hide the skin to help focus on the eyes.

    2. You can be sure that the shape I am creating is closed by seeing there is a circle icon. When making a shape there should be a circle icon next to the mouse. Another way to check if a shape is closed is by adding a stroke and fill to it. If the shape is closed the stroke should be solid all around with no missing parts and the fill should not look weird.

  3. Garry Pelzer Jr

    Question 01
    What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?
    – The value of creating layers in Illustrator is to create organization. With these layers, there won’t be that much confusion on where things are supposed to go because each layer is named and assigned a specific color. Once everything is assigned a name and color all that’s really left to do is the editing according to each piece.

    Question 02
    Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are
    creating are closed. How can you check to see if they
    – Using the rectangle and eclipse tools will guarantee a closed shape if that is an issue for the designer. The other option can be to use the pen tool to touch up any loose ends. A closed shape will be the end result.

  4. Alex Acero

    1. What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?
    The value of creating layers is that you can create anything you want that’s on top of an image or something you created and it ruined the original work that was there because whatever you create in that layer you can easily hide it by toggling the eye in the layers tab. You can also lock layers so whatever is on top or under won’t move when you working on a layer.

    2. Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are creating are closed. How can you check to see if they are?
    When creating shapes it shows you the outline of the shape if you have a color selected for your stroke you can also have a color for the fill. Which will make weird fill shapes that you aren’t trying to make and that’s because the shape isn’t closed so for the shape you are trying to make to be close you need to make your first anchor point meet with your last anchor point and once those two connect your shape becomes closed.

  5. Lizbeth Vargas

    Question 01

    Layers can help organize a project. Especially if the project has a background, mid-ground, and for-ground and it’s very detailed. It would be more frustrating if everything is in one layer. Also, it’s easier to edit and control the project if there has to be a change made a mistake made in a project.

    Question 02

    A shape is closed once lines and curves meet another and connect. Also, before closing a shape there are not only lines and curves connected but the last point that meets the first point shows a circle icon before clicking to make a shape.

  6. Bonnie yang

    Question 01 –What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?
    The value of creating layers in Illustrator is to be able to edit, hide, lock, etc the selected layer without touching the other layers.

    Question 02 –Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are creating are closed. How can you check to see if they are?
    To be sure the shapes created are closed you can go to view and view outline then see if any shapes aren’t connected to one another you can also use fill and check if the colors stay within the lines or if it “spills out” that means it’s not connected.

    • Lizbeth Vargas

      Exactly! when the fill spills out or crosses the curves or lines it means the shapes are not closed.

    • Ziqi Lin

      Layers can also help stay organized.

  7. Jonathan Rodriguez

    1. Layers is definitely one of the best things to use when working within illustrator and multiple shapes. When using layers, your goal is to separate individual parts of the image to allow more freedom of detail each part without harming another. For example, the background of an image can be placed in its own layer to later change it specifically without adjusting anything else like its scale, color, blend mode, etc.
    2.One quick way of checking whether your shape is closed is to quickly fill it with a color. When you do this it should show if its closed, usually when its open it creates a funky looking shape rather than the one you just created. To fix it you can connect the two anchor points by using the pen tool (P). You can also check by changing your to outline and zoom in to see if your path is connected,

  8. Darcy Castro

    1. The value of creating layers in illustrator is that you can always work on top of your original layer without damaging the original layer. You can always add more features or whatever you are trying to do and label them so you know what layer you are working with. You can lock layers, lower the opacity, etc. It gives you freedom with your artwork.

    2. In order to see if your shapes are closed, is by using the pathfinder tool and select the first tool giving you the option to have your whole shape closed making it into one shape. Or you can use the pen tool and close the anchor points by clicking on the last point you made and clicking the ESC key or using the direct tool to move around the anchor point closing the path.

    • Jonathan Rodriguez

      I like that you included the unite option from the pathfinder panel, I didn’t know that one.

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