Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section OL52 | Spring 2022

06 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

Describe how to use the divide tool. What happens to the overlapping areas?

Question 02 –

What choices can you make when using the Blend Mode Options?


  1. Ziqi Lin

    Describe how to use the divide tool. What happens to the overlapping areas?
    First make the shapes you want, then select all and go to Windows then Pathfinder tab. On the first option second row will be the divide. The overlapping areas will become shapes. You can then use the direct selection tool and click on a shape to change color or anything you want with it.

    What choices can you make when using the Blend Mode Options?
    There are many choices when using the Blend Mode. Normal, Dissolve, Darken, Multiply, Color, Burn, Hue, Saturation, etc.

  2. Alex Acero

    1. Describe how to use the divide tool. What happens to the overlapping areas?
    To use the divide tool you first need to make the shapes and select them after that click on windows then click on pathfinder. Once the pathfinder tab is open click on divide which is under the pathfinder category. The pathfinder also groups the two shapes so for you to do anything to the new shape you either use the direct selection tool or you can ungroup them. What happens to the overlapping areas is that it becomes a new shape. Whatever shape was on top of the first shape you made you can remove it.

    2. What choices can you make when using the Blend Mode Options?
    Blend modes are transparency that you can give to a shape or text. Some options are darkened, multiply, color burn, screen, etc. These modes have their own unique way of blending objects or text together.

  3. Lizbeth Vargas

    Question 01

    Click windows and click on pathfinder. Once you have you shapes, on the keyboard, click command-a to select all of them then click on divide in the pathfinder tool. Or go to the top select > same > appearance and then click divide in the pathfinder.

    Question 02

    I can choose Darken, Multiply, color burn, etc and change the transparency of an object. It depends what color the object is the object on top and underneath it.

  4. Bonnie yang

    Question 01 –Describe how to use the divide tool. What happens to the overlapping areas?
    To use the divide tool you first have to go to windows and click on pathfinder. Then you create some shapes use command-a to select all of them then click on a divide. The overlapping areas will become a shape itself, separated from the main shapes.

    Question 02 –What choices can you make when using the Blend Mode Options?
    Some choices you can make when using the Blend Mode Options are Normal, Dissolve, Darken, Multiply, overlay, soft light, hard light, etc.

  5. Jonathan Rodriguez

    1. The divide tool is one of the pathfinder options found in the pathfinder panel. You want to select two shapes and make sure they are overlapping to create an intersection. When the two shapes are selected and you use the divide tool, it will individually separate the interesting shape from the original two shapes. Sometimes by using the divide tool the shapes will be grouped and you wouldn’t be able to individually move the new shape so you can ungroup by using cntrl+shift+G or use the direct selection tool and move it then.
    2. Blend mode options are different types of transparencies. The options are found in the transparency panel. Some of the different blend modes are Normal, Dissolve, Darken, Multiply, Color, etc. Each of these have their own unique way of blending and you can adjust them within the transparency panel to adjust its opacity.

    • Lizbeth Vargas

      The response to this discussion of different options and shortcuts on how to divide and use the blending options is perfect!

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