Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section OL52 | Spring 2022

05 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

Name three kinds of controls you have over a gradient?

Question 02 –

How would you change the color of a gradient stop? Describe three ways to change colors.


  1. Lizbeth Vargas

    Question 01

    I can add more points on the gradient tool. I can change the point of the gradient on the gradient tool on the left. You can also move the little diamonds to make the gradient change. You can add choice of color and drop it in. You can make colors and save it in swatches.

    Question 02

    Make sure the go to the swatches drags a color in. At least two colors on both sides. Move the gradient until satisfied. You can change colors in the swatches, library color palette, and can use gradients already made or saved gradients in the swatches.

  2. Jonathan Rodriguez

    1. There are three main types of gradients. There is radial, linear. and freeform. A radial gradient is like the sun, it begins from one point and increasingly spreads outwards usually keeping a circular form. A linear gradients is like a waterfall, it starts from one side and ends on the other usually going from left to right or top to bottom. Freeform is where you have more customization of placing the different colors and have more complex blends.
    2. If you want to change the color in your gradient, you’ll have to change the gradient stop. First way is to open your swatches and drag the color you want into the gradient stop. The second way is to double click the actual stops and choose from the color picker. There’s also a way where you can save a already used gradient by opening the swatches panel and dragging the used gradient box into the swatches slot. This will then allow you to choose it as a swatch and change the color later when you make a new shape.

  3. Alice Vidal

    1. The three kinds of control you have over a gradient are linear, radial, and freeform gradient. In linear-gradient, you are able to smoothly transition one color to another in a straight line. In radial gradient, the color transition in a round pattern. In freeform, you are able to blend with different points and are more customizable.
    2. Ways to change the color of a gradient stop is by opening the swatches menu and dragging the color you want to the slider. Another way to change the color is by double-clicking on the slider you want to change color on and the swatches come up. Another way to change the color is by opening Swatches and then Libary Menu and dragging that to the slider.

    • Jonathan Rodriguez

      I like that you kept the explanations simple yet detailed. Easier to understand.

  4. Ziqi Lin

    Name three kinds of controls you have over a gradient?
    The three kinds of controls you have over a gradient are freeform, linear gradient, and radial.

    How would you change the color of a gradient stop? Describe three ways to change colors.
    To change the color of a gradient stop, open up your swatches and drag the color you into the gradient stop. Another way is to save a gradient you want by dragging the gradient you already made into a new swatches slot. Then click on your shape and click on the new gradient color in the swatches. Last way is to click on the gradient stop and pick a color you want.

  5. Garry Pelzer Jr

    Question 01 –
    Name three kinds of controls you have over a

    The three filling controls for a gradient is linear, radical and elliptical gradients. Each tool allows you to fill in a gradient while a different degree or radius of the specific fill.

    Question 02 –
    How would you change the color of a gradient stop? Describe three ways to change colors.

    Select the Gradient tool in the toolbar. In the selected artwork you’ll see the gradient annotator, which shows the gradient slider and the color stops. Double-click a color stop on the artwork to edit the color, drag the color
    stops, click beneath the gradient slider to add new color stops, and more.

  6. Alex Acero

    1. Name three kinds of controls you have over a gradient?
    The three types of control we have over a gradient are radial, freeform. and linear. Linear gradients result in images that consist of progressive transitions between multiple colors along a straight line. A radial gradient extends from the center point outward to the shape. Freeform gradients are a blend of color stops within a shape in an ordered or random sequence so as to appear smooth and natural.

    2. How would you change the color of a gradient stop? Describe three ways to change colors?
    One way to change the color of a gradient stop is you can drag a color from the swatches tab. Another way is by double-clicking on one of the gradient stops and then clicking on the swatches tab and then you click on a color and from there you can keep changing the color. Another way is by saving a gradient which to do that you need to drag your gradients into the swatches tab once you do that you can create a new shape and click on the gradient you add and that gradient will be added to that shape.

    • Ziqi Lin

      Very detailed and good explanations for the three kinds of controls.

  7. Bonnie yang

    Question 01 –Name three kinds of controls you have over a gradient?
    Three types of control are freeform, radial, and linear gradient.

    Question 02 –How would you change the color of a gradient stop? Describe three ways to change colors.
    One way to change color is to drag a color from swatches to the gradient stop. Another way is to double click the gradient stop and you can change colors. The last way is to save the gradient by dragging it to swatches and then clicking on it to create that particular gradient on a new shape.

    • Lizbeth Vargas

      Good explanation! Now I know the three types are freeform, radial, and linear gradient.

  8. Cassidy

    1. The three different types of control for gradient are linear, radial and freeform. A linear gradient is when there is a linear progression of one or more colors along a straight line. A radial gradient start from a single point and is spread outwards of that point. A freeform gradient is a gradient that can have random or structured color stops and is more customizable than the others.
    2. To change the color of the gradient stop you can: drag your preferred color to each gradient stop, you can use the two previous colors’ gradient and drag it to your swatches and have that specific gradient ready for use and you can also drag from the color fill on the tool box and change it that way.

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