Production Calendar


Task Title


Start Date

End Date

Backing Up Back up all the footage and pictures I had taken. 02/9/18 02/9/18
First Technical Meeting This meeting was to talk about content and what I can do with the photos taken for the project. 02/13/18 02/13/18
Edit Photos Edit and change format of pictures taken. 02/16/18 02/23/18
Importing Import Footage and pictures into After effects after editing in Photoshop. 02/23/18 03/02/18
Animatics Placing the pictures in the correct placement I would want them as well as texts and graphics. 03/02/18 03/07/18
Rough Draft 1 Graphics should have more motion effects and a strong concept by now. 03/09/18 04/06/18
Rough Draft 2 Should be finished with the intro and outro, and start working on the scene transitions for the movie. 04/12/18 04/17/18
Final Draft Fine tweaking the edits. 04/22/18 05/02/18


Growth Never Stops, I Shouldn't Either