Monthly Archives: September 2015

Posts up by September 24

All posts, including your group post and individual “previews” must be up by September 24 to receive credit for this portion of the assignment! Note: you do not need to have seen your concert by September 24! Make sure your concert falls before the essay due date, December 10.

Remember, you group post must follow this format:

<web address for venue>, Name of ensemble, date/time

For your individual posts, you should complete the following 2 criteria:

  • Media: post at least one link about the concert. Can be about the performer (sound or video file okay), a preview article, social media post, or something about the piece(s) that will be performed. Cannot be simply the “event page”.
  • Blog post: A 1 paragraph “preview” of the concert based on your research so far. What do you expect to hear? Feel free to share your feelings about going to a classical music concert and what you hope to gain from the experience.