Week 4 – February 27

Week 5 – Wednesday, February 27

Hypermedia Projects Presented in Class

Readings Discussion

Surveillance and Privacy Issues and Examples


Telepresence, Surveillance, Privacy

This is a photo from the 2009 Inauguration, In which you can see IN FOCUS
The face of each individual in the crowd !!! You can scan and zoom to any section of the crowd… wait a few seconds… and the focus adjusts. The picture was taken with a robotic camera at 1,474 megapixel. (295 times the standard 5 megapixel camera)

Telepresence: A computer-generated environment consisting of interactive simulations and computer graphics in which a human being experiences being present in a remote location.

Tiffany Holmes’ course: http://www.artic.edu/~tholme/surveillance_course/index.html

The Truman Show:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYj2m1yVpGU  – trailer

The Public Private:  Exhibiton at the New School:   http://www.newschool.edu/parsons/subpage.aspx?id=88126

Paolo Cirio and Alessandro Ludovico’s Face to Facebook, a multimedia installation of one million Facebook profiles, which were appropriated” by the artists, filtered using facial-recognition software, and then posted on a custom-made dating website sorted by facial expressions.

Jill Magid’s Evidence Locker, a stage with 242 cameras.  See Q and A

And, now 21 years old, SPIN by Brian Springer — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlJkgQZb0VU

The Telegarden: http://queue.ieor.berkeley.edu/~goldberg/garden/Ars/
The Mercury Project: http://www.usc.edu/dept/raiders/
Ken Goldberg: http://www.ieor.berkeley.edu/~goldberg/index-flash.html
Eyes of Laura: http://eyesoflaura.org

Liverpool Station:
Watch this one first
THEN WATCH THIS ONE: It tells you how they did it.

SPIN by Brian Singer  (EXCERPT:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZQrEvk2hkc)

(a total “aside”: DARE at http://www.iniva.org/dare/)


Readings and Posting Assignments:
Intro to “Robot in the Garden, ” – Chapter 1 – The Unique Phenomenon of a Distance at http://ieor.berkeley.edu/%7Egoldberg/art/tele/intro.html or http://goldberg.berkeley.edu/art/tele/intro.html
and Surveillance and Capture, Two Models of Privacy, posted in Resources

Forum: Surveillance/Privacy
consider several aspects of telepresence and survelliance – privacy issues, are we all “actors”, and other issues emerging out of the readings

Assignment:   Create your INVENTION WISH LIST – see “Assignments” section for instructions (due March 6).  Post yours and respond to others.

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