The Animated GIF
GIF with Sound
I’ve always wanted to make my own GIF. I usually just edit them, like add words to them using Photoshop. This was my first time actually make one from scratch. It was a lot of work but the end result was awesome. I can see how people could spend days on editing these things to make them perfect. I really liked how we could add music to them. It got real tedious when popcorn maker wasn’t working well, but I eventually pulled through. All in all it was a project I really enjoyed.
Work hours:
Staccato/Legato Thumbnails: 10/9/14 took around 1 hour
Staccato/Legato Mashup: 10/11/14 took around 1 hour
Staccato/Legato Mashup Inked: 10/14/14 took around 3 hours
Staccato/Legato Mashup GIF : 10/15/14 took around 3 hours
In all it took 8 hours to finish this project