This internship has improved my time management skills immensely and it’s so important. For a long time, I had trouble with procrastinating. It did not matter what I had to do, I would always wait until the last minute, which would always hinder the quality of the work because of the shrinking time frame. There are so many benefits to good time management.
1. Less Stress: Obviously having more time to do the things you need to do is less stressful. Having time to breathe before and after assignments is ideal. And less stress equals better sleep and better sleep equals better work productivity so it all comes around.
2. More freedom: There is not a better bliss in this world than finishing your work a healthy amount of time before it’s due. It truly lifts a weight off of your shoulders and frees you up for other aspects of your life or other work if there is more that needs to be done.
3. Time to think: With good time management skills, you get more time to tackle your projects. And when you have more time, you have more opportunity to think and come at problems and issues from different angles.
The benefits of good time management include greater clarity, increased productivity, less stress and much more.