Project 1: Phase 1, Edouard Jean

Weed (not that kind)

This is an uprooted weed found in the dirt. Whoever snatched it up must’ve left it. The general shape is organic since it doesn’t really form a polygon. The figure/ground is ambiguous since really any part can be considered the background.

Fine Dime

This here is a dime, some poor guy is down ten cents. The figure/ground relationship is pretty obvious here. The shape is also geometric. A dime is a circle after all. I picked it up after so I’m up ten cents.

Cared For Sidewalk

This sidewalk is a prime example of the care that goes into the streets. The shape is organic as shown by the roundness and curves. The figure/ground is also ambiguous since any part of this can be the object of focus.

Nine Inch Nails

Talk about getting hammered. This nail somehow got embedded into the sidewalk. The figure/ground relationship is obvious, I mean it’s a nail sticking out the ground. It also has a geometric shape. I just need to know how someone managed that.

Summer's End

This is a leaf. I know, very exciting. It’s shape can be considered organic and geometric with both it’s straight lines and curves. It also has an obvious figure/ground relationship. This also says Summer is ending, which is depressing.

Block Head

This piece of cement has been through a lot. The curves here give it an organic shape. The figure/ground here is also ambiguous as you can’t immediately tell if it’s buried under the dirt or sitting on the surface. Either way it took a lot of force to break it.

Project 1: Phase 1- Jose Vasquez

Obvious (stable) Figure/ Ground

A receipt that you get after you buy any type of goods like a computer or soda. This receipt may have been drop by someone by mistake, but in this photo you can clearly see that is an obvious figure because you can see clearly what is the background and object.

Obvious Figure

This is a metal cap that is use on the train to cover cables that are below, you can also see that this is a geometric shape because you can see clearly that is a shape of a circle.

Obvious Figure

This is a small pile of dead leafs that where blown away from its tree by the strong winds , this photo also shows a organic shape because you can’t determent what type of shape it is, you can also see clearly what is the background and what is not.

Ambiguous Figure

This is a heater that people use to get warm when the temperature are cold and this photo shows a ambiguous figure because you can’t really tell what is the background and what is not and is also a organic shape.

Ambiguous Figure

this is a floor that people walk on and is also organic because you can’t tell what is the shape of it.


Ambiguous Figure

This is a leg of a table on this photo you can’t tell what is the background and is also a organic shape.