Author Archives: Edouard Jean
Project 2 – Sketches
Project 1: Phase 1, Edouard Jean

This is an uprooted weed found in the dirt. Whoever snatched it up must’ve left it. The general shape is organic since it doesn’t really form a polygon. The figure/ground is ambiguous since really any part can be considered the background.

This here is a dime, some poor guy is down ten cents. The figure/ground relationship is pretty obvious here. The shape is also geometric. A dime is a circle after all. I picked it up after so I’m up ten cents.

This sidewalk is a prime example of the care that goes into the streets. The shape is organic as shown by the roundness and curves. The figure/ground is also ambiguous since any part of this can be the object of focus.

Talk about getting hammered. This nail somehow got embedded into the sidewalk. The figure/ground relationship is obvious, I mean it’s a nail sticking out the ground. It also has a geometric shape. I just need to know how someone managed that.