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final step for project 1
Here are some of my thumbnails and experimental processes while doing the project. I had some difficulties wih the ink itself, trying to make it appear as one solid color due to the medium I was using. Unfortunately I did not take a picture of my final draft form before adding ink onto the final pieces.
Project 1 – Lost & Found Step 1 Discover
Project 1- Lost and found Step 1 Discover
1)The images i used mostly contain geometric shapes. Most of the shapes are circles that are caused from either cement drying imperfections or cracks. Some of the images i used are also organic shapes such as the ground with rocks and bumps and rust. The obvious examples i used have really big circles and take up most of the frame. The ambiguous images i used are a clash of shades that come together.
2)The images i used are man made and organic. one image i used is rusted metal that happened over time. Another is either a man made imperfection in the cement or a piece of gum, there is also a possibility that there was a crack in the cement. Another image i used was man made. it was circular bumps on the walk way so no one would slip. There are also images on paint chipping away which can be man made or organic because a person could of chipped the paint away on purpose or it could of happened over time.
Lost and Found
Derek Tolentino Obvious & Ambiguas findings
Here are a few photos that i took on my obvious and ambiguas Journey around the school