Author Archives: gaethan7


WT for WATER and the hose shows the ending of the W kind of a cool representation of WATER

U N ME no matter which way you see the letters it makes a U and N and it also kind of looks like a tunnel from the loony toons which is also pretty cool.  and also there is a M and E both going the same direction which makes the viewer see the representation and kind of looks like something out of chalk zone .

GUY the words were inside each other and cut off on the top of the porch. 


Museum visit

Gaethan Jean-Pierre

Graphic design principle


Final essay

This piece of art that i have chosen for this project relates to many of the past projects that we completed.  It is similar to the obvious and ambiguous project because the painting is ambiguous in a sense because of the colors.  The vibrant shades of colors all mix together and if you just look at the patterns close enough you tend to get lost in the patterns and lose focus of the people in the painting all together.  It also relates to the texture and pattern project because the painting is a bunch of shapes collaged together to make it into an object. Although that was not the full focus of the texture and pattern project it still had something to do with it because we had to make letters, shading, and spacing become objects as i did with the rocks.  This painting also can be related to the selfie motion project because its a collage of objects on a person however it does not show emotion. It just gives the people features such as eyes and hair and clothing. Finally this painting can be related to the color your selfie project. Its related in the way it uses color to differentiate things like hair, clothing, objects, and body parts.  Overall i enjoyed doing all projects because it was very hands on and taught me how to manipulate everyday things for example how anything on the floor can be turned into a ambiguous or obvious art piece. I also really liked how we used things we found on a magazine to show expression.

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I chose the color red as my main color because i feel like it suites my personality,  Red can be taken as many different emotions and things.  it can mean out going because of how vibrant it is, it can also mean closed off because the color can also be a sign of danger and to stay away.  Overall i found this project to be very fun and hands on i enjoyed working on the computer with this one and ive always wanted to make something like this.

Project 3

My self motion picture showed happiness and it showed how a smile can also be fake.  My project also showed luxury in it thats why there are watches and jewelry all around the picture.    The horns on top showed how evil it can be to only care about materialistic things in life.  It shows how it can be a facade and that on the surface it shows happiness because you are happy  you have all these things but deep down might be upset.  It also just means happiness because people can be fully content with those type of stuff which is fine.  Another symbol the devil ears show is the fact that some people might have to do evil things to get these expensive things (you never know).This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.

Project 1- Lost and found Step 1 Discover

1)The images i used mostly contain geometric shapes.  Most of the shapes are circles that are caused from either cement drying imperfections or cracks.  Some of the images i used are also organic shapes such as the ground with rocks and bumps and rust.  The obvious examples i used have really big circles and take up most of the frame.  The ambiguous images i used are a clash of shades that come together.

2)The images i used are man made and organic.  one image i used is rusted metal that happened over time.  Another is either a man made imperfection in the cement or a piece of gum, there is also a possibility that there was a crack in the cement.  Another image i used was man made. it was circular bumps on the walk way so no one would slip. There are also images on paint chipping away which can be man made or organic because a person could of chipped the paint away on purpose or it could of happened over time.This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.