• Group Members: Christian T., Tinin B., Zoey Y., and Citlalli Martinez
  • Time capsules stored many forms of literature, dolls, currency etc… after Buried in a well. 
  • 1935 – Middle of great depression “needed real world fair to increase employment”
  • World Fair NYC built from scratch in the middle of nowhere.
  • 4 most talented industrial designers and social planners gather for the opportunity to work at the world’s fair. 
  • “Democracity a place where everyone will soon be living” – Futurama ideas…
  • The fair used to host many public gatherings as possible
  • 116 acres of wasteland turns into what’s known as the worlds fair
  •  Franklin d Roosevelt  – Speech “USA fixed on the future, star of the country,international goodwill and peace.” – He gave the opening speech. 
  • Costed 75 cents to enter to enter worlds fair
  • Hela Climb?
  • General Motors had longest lines: One of the few things everyone was familiar with
  • American institute of planners?
  • Displacement of slums and ….. Due to highways
  • 1939 – “World of Tomorrow” 
  • Grover Whalen president of world’s fair organization


Black and White post world to the world fair of 1939 which introduced color

Color Film available (kodak company)

World of Tomorrow (easy to understand, easy to visit, easy to blah blah)

Time balanced on a needle point, visible through time

WestingHouse Time Capsule (500 years)

New York need a world exposition- job, tourist, capital (all to turn profit)

Build from scratch and would come into hands of the government next

Russia pavilion came up first

150 years of washington inauguration

75 cents to get in- wasn’t cheap

Transportation zone was what you saw coming out of the sphere

General Motor- longest line in the park where futurama is

—- to have fun but also to learn about the future. Everything pulled you into the future, efficiency, speed.

FUTURAMA: urgently dragged from the future it seems

During the Great Depression: Everything was shabby and stall- the poverty and all was unnecessary….

All it would take a democratic party and the will to move on.

The current future is possible today and by demonstrating the possible you had people 

Before you a wonderland (“plane ride”)

HIGHWAYS!!!!! 50 mph, left right

Many buildings had landing pads.


The most important connection between the video we watched and our two location is the unsettling future in which the World Fair 1939 presented. Since our need to be more futuristic many communities were affected and displaced while the construction of that future was being built. It was never for the people but for the future of the city.