Professor Montgomery

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Learning From Text- Reflection 2

I know I learned something from his reading when I can rephrase Chings’ sentence from the text in my own words. Not only I can do this,  but I can also explain the meaning behind a sentence as well. In order for me to ensure I learned the most important concepts in the reading is by reviewing your note and sum up or come to the conclusion if the small ideas is an idea to know.

Learning From Text- Reflection 1

After reading in class, I see how Ching sees architecture in a different way. For example, building constructions doesn’t equal to architecture. This stood out to me the most  because Ching explains how not all man made construction (such as a shed or a ordinary cabin) is architecture. Architecture has a powerful meaning  which I find it very interesting. Also, Ching has a section in the book titled Building Systems. He explains how a architecture should be made and why. A building should protect one from weathers, can help one escape from danger hazard,  noise, water proof etc. Based from these readings, Ching point of view can really change one with his explanations.

Learn from Text

How you know you’ve learned from a reading is when you’re able to recall and idea that has been talked about and give supporting evidence about it. The way to find out if you’ve really digested the key information would be to re-read the section and to identify if what you thought was the main key is still the same.

Reflection #2

  1. What I generally think is that when I know I earned something is by recognizing the information I learned and went through. Also putting it in my notes showing that I have well-informed my studies and understanding them shows that I know I learned.Revising your notes can also tell you that you learned the most important concept in reading.
  2. After reading chapter 1 I establish Architecture by understanding that it’s just not creating a house or a building it’s also art and design being created at the same time. It’s also understanding each concept of the parts of the building.And the key facts on Architecture.

Reflection #2

Generally, I know I learned after reading because I am able to answer questions concerning the reading. Also,  not only able to answer a question regarding the reading, but I am also able to explain why I gave a particular answer. To ensure that I learned the most important concepts in the reading, I make sure that I write it boldly in my notes for the purpose of studying. Thus, I would be able to recognize what information is most important. Also, to ensure I learned the most important concepts in the reading I make sure that I am able to elaborate on main topics as well as  subtopics.


I always thought that every building that i saw was a piece of architecture in it’s own way but after reading section #1 of Frank Ching book, I realize that there is a difference between architecture and building construction. Architecture talks to us and is thought provoking.

Generally i would know if i learned something from a reading  if i can apply it to something.  To make sure that i learned an important concept in a reading i usually annotate the important information provided in the reading and review the reading.

Reflection: Learning From Text

Reflection 1: After reading the 2.02  and 2.03, it let me have some basic concepts about architecture. Architects combine a lot of things like art,  science, nature and so on. Building construction is not an equal architecture.  In architecture, we should consider physical practical and conception. And three systems: structural system, enclosure system, and mechanical system. All of these are making people have a safe, comfortable, and useful place.

Reflection 2: To make sure that I was learned, I need to repeat it.  Like learning language, the only way that you can remember is to use it every day. When you learning some new, it is trying to understand it first, when you understand it you can repeat it more times, which can help you to remember it.  Continuous use it and repeat it can let you have deep memories.

Learning From Text

Reflection 1: The way I looked at Architecture before the reading and after the reading still remain the same. To me Architecture is about aesthetic, beauty, design, art, play of space and more. Architecture also is about the formation of materials using the knowledge of your surroundings to create something unique.

Reflection 2: Generally speaking, I know I actually registered and retained what I just sat through if I’m able to somewhat recite it back to myself without any notes. If I’m confident in my ability to share and inform others to a certain degree on the topic. To also know that you have actually learned information on the topic is to be able to answer questions on the topic if thrown your way.

Reflection 01/31/2020

1.)  After reading chapter 2 pages 2.02 and 2.03, it made me see architectural differently once Ching stated that architecture is not equal to building construction. It took a toll on me because it made me realize that basically not everything that has been built falls under the category of architecture as in a regular apartment building would be considered building constructed due to the minimal value of the building versus the building we used in class like the Pantheon because the pantheon would fall under architecture due to the symbolism of the building which is religion.

2.) For me I would know that I learned after reading if I am able to recite what I have read. To ensure that I learned from what I read I would have to quiz myself on what I read by using Blooms’ Taxonomy. I really like to create questions and quiz myself on content but also ask myself how would i apply what i just read into my personal life to get a better understanding of what I’m suppose to learn. To be able to put what you learn into your lifestyle is being able to learn evaluate and create all in one leaving you to have a better understanding and learning for future references.

Architecture from Allen and Iano’s Standpoint

Referencing Iano et al, architecture is a blend of theoretical know how and some amount of actual processes such as knowing the materials, using the different construction methods and similar  ways of application. Initial thoughts prior to Iano et. al, architecture for most readers is about the aesthetics and design aspects, but post reading Iano  one begins to see that there is a required amount of theoretical knowledge coupled with not just procurement of material but its current manufacturing states; wherein most manufacturing companies are making everything ecologically viable. In this sense post reading Iano ,architecture or anyone involved in construction  and manufacturing  of building materials must work to leverage more reduced carbon foot printing and pollution because there is a lot of greenhouse effect that is happening due to use of fossil fuels.

To wit,  Architecture is consideration of design, procurement of materials, its viability and then ultimately its operation ie. post occupancy evaluation via,  performance and upkeep of the realized design.

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