1.)  After reading chapter 2 pages 2.02 and 2.03, it made me see architectural differently once Ching stated that architecture is not equal to building construction. It took a toll on me because it made me realize that basically not everything that has been built falls under the category of architecture as in a regular apartment building would be considered building constructed due to the minimal value of the building versus the building we used in class like the Pantheon because the pantheon would fall under architecture due to the symbolism of the building which is religion.

2.) For me I would know that I learned after reading if I am able to recite what I have read. To ensure that I learned from what I read I would have to quiz myself on what I read by using Blooms’ Taxonomy. I really like to create questions and quiz myself on content but also ask myself how would i apply what i just read into my personal life to get a better understanding of what I’m suppose to learn. To be able to put what you learn into your lifestyle is being able to learn evaluate and create all in one leaving you to have a better understanding and learning for future references.