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Category: Assignment Instructions (Page 5 of 6)

Assignment 1, Part 3

Concept Sketches

  • Decide on your top 2-3 thumbnail sketches.
    • Choose based on feedback you received from your Art Director (In this case ME.) and your peers, as well as your own passion and design sense.
  • Research additional reference images needed and add to your Pinterest board of inspiration for Assignment One. Collect any reference images needed to fully realize each design concept.
  • Create mock-ups using digital media to aide in rapid work.
  • Sketch 2-3 Concept Sketches.


Compare in these examples the Approved Thumbnail sketch and the corresponding Concept Sketch. Consider where changes were made.

Concept Sketch by Yuko Shimizu


  • Post your Concept Sketches, carefully labeled and a Link to your updated Pinterest board, along with a description to Openlab.
  • Categorize your post Work in Progress.

Assignment 1, Part 2

Thumbnail Sketches

  • Write your concept out in the form a of a sentence in your sketchbook, to refer back to as you sketch.
  • Using a Ruler make 20 -25 boxes in your sketchbook approx 2″ on the longest side.
    • Always draw thumbnail boxes in proportion to your final art!
    • Be sure thumbnails don’t share edges. Leave a space between boxes.
  • Fill these boxes with 20 – 25 thumbnail sketches exploring your concepts.
  • Look at your inspiration board as you explore your concepts visually.




Post your

  • Post your Thumbnail Sketches carefully labeled, with name of client and a description of concepts illustrated, along with any additional sketches you may have done.
  • Categorize your post > Work In Progress

Assignment 1

Beverage Label Reboot

Floriaan, OostEke Brewery, Belgium – Designer: Jonas Devacht, New York

Project Overview:

Congratulations you got your first gig! You have been approached a client to redesign an existing beverage label. You may identify your own client for this project.  You may choose between an illustrated tea, beer or wine label.


Learning Outcomes

Problem solve visually

Apply technical skills

Apply design concepts

Analyze content

Apply critical thinking skills to make creative inferences

Respect and Use Creativity


  • Art must be made to fit the Product.  (Wine label art should fit a bottle of wine, tea should fit a tea box, etc. )
  • Final Art is required to be created in Black and White only.  Ink and Pencil may be used.
  • Solution may include text, but must be primarily image based.
  • Students will be required to present the illustration alone, as well as a digital mock up of the illustration with all necessary text included.
  • Work in Progress should be posted for feedback to the OPEN LAB, (categorize as work in progress)

Due Date(s)


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