Black and white can be a great choice for an image particularly if your image is high contrast.

Best practice is to shoot in color and then convert to black and white. This gives you more control over how each color is interpreted in grayscale than if you use the black and white setting on your camera or cameraphone.

There are three ways to convert your images to black and white in the Lightroom Photoshop App:
1. Profiles
2. Presets
3. B&W mix in the color settings

In Lightroom Classic, there are two ways to convert your images to B&W.

For both, select black and white from the top right of the basic panel.

Select the dropdown menu next to Profile and then browse.

B/W Mixer:
Select B & W from the menu list, two items below basic.

Select one of your photos with a good range of different colors. Create a version with each method. Try for very different results. Put them in a post with a description of each method and which one gave you the best results.

