Faculty: This example post demonstrates how you can provide information about each class for your students. It uses the category “Classes” and can be found under Activities > Classes in the site menu. Use the suggested outline below to structure your class posts.

Class Info

  • Date: Add date
  • Meeting InfoAdd online details or in-person location

To-Do Before Class

  • Check your City Tech email regarding your membership to this course OpenLab site.
  • You should be members prior to class start Search for COMD1257 and the Specific Section Number
  • If you have access to InDesign have it ready prior to class time


Class structure
Meeting each other
What the class is about?


Review typography basics

Add activity

To-Do After Class

For our first series of assignments and project 1, we will need content.

Every Student will write from their personal point of view a story related to their favorite Urban Legend or Folk Tale.

  • Please send via email before next class.
    Do not design anything, we just need the text and can be sent directly into the body copy of an email.
  • Add title, followed by a short narrative
    The length of the story should not exceed four paragraphs (between 225 to 300 words)
  • Add an em dash (—)followed by your name 

Please see example below, with approx. 230 words)


When I was a child, I lived on a very busy avenue. It was constantly noisy, even at night. My room was very close to the street, and I was pretty much accustomed to all the people, the cars, the honking, the music, etc. I learned to sleep through the loudest of sounds.

Every year we would spend vacations at the family farm.  This was way up in the mountains, and it was the complete opposite of life in the city. There was an eerie silence. The only sound that you could hear at night was that of the little critters, birds and insects. It was hard to sleep without the city noises.

One night we heard a melodic sound, almost like someone singing. One of my cousins told us that it was probably “La CIGUAPA”. He said that “La CIGUAPA” was a woman who would lured others with her chant and then killed them.  He described her as a beautiful woman who walked around the mountains without clothing, but her very long hair covered her entire body. What shocked and scared me the most was that her feet pointed backwards.

Needless to say, I did not sleep that night. Every time I go to sleep at a farm I think about LA CIGUAPA.

—M. Giuliani

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