Case Study 2_Yuli Weng

October 21, 2018, a residential building near Clemson University in South Carolina experience a floor collapsed during a party they held in the meeting room, 29 out of 30 were injured. No one was killed. When investigating I would first like to see the document from the Department of Building made by the architect and construction document when it is built to compare any inconsistency, if found check through the architects work with a structural engineer to see its durability, if it’s okay then the fault would most fall on the general contractor and superintended for not following the document provided by the architect as well as the architect passing the work. Second, find the occupant load, as well as the dead load of the space, see if the party held is too much for the structure, if it’s too much the fault would go mostly to the owner or the one in charge with the planning the party and letting the student party in an unusual space. Third, any reconstruction/reconfiguration of the structure in a recent month to a year base on the frequent use of the room in a year, if the building is modified in any way, check the new structure to see its durability and the fault would be on those who made the change. In any case, the architect fails to provide the health, safety, and welfare for the public, the leading architect needs his license stop for a certain period base on how much is his fault, the worst would take his license and the architect also need to pay for the damage. The general contractor and superintended would pay the damaged base on their carelessness.

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